kitchenpete wrote:JTT
The "objectives" of this forum, if taken literally, would prevent the majority of threads from being started, let alone continued.
Of course this thread should exist in the English forum and we, the participants, are under no obligation to offer only those views of the various forms of the English language which are codified by ESL or any other official institute.
I am with Setanta on this point and on his assessment of the tone of the thread.
Pete, I'm not saying, nor have I ever said, that people can't offer any old opinion that they want. I'm not telling anyone to stop offering their opinions. I've said often, let 'em fly.
That's Setanta's skewed desire and evidently, yours - can't say I'm completely shocked by this revelation. Setanta, oft-stating that this is a thread for free and open discussion, suggests what? that I should not offer mine.
But, you'll be pleased to know that I fully support you in your support of Setanta on this one narrow issue.
I've said, time and again, and I'll say it once more, fire away with your opinions on language. But please be prepared to defend them. And when it comes to debating language, "I support Setanta" is not a defence.
ESL is not an official institute; ESL = English as a Second language. There is no official institute for English. There are, however, a large number of scientists studying the same. Why do so many here seem to have such an aversion to science?
Let the debates begin !!