Your zeal is burning brightly, Jonathan, and threatens us with a conflagration.
Let me point out, clearly this time, that you were being pedantic. To suggest that "reticulate" could be an alternative for "network" shows how out of touch with language you really are. [your gerund analysis helped a wee bit too]
I have not singled you out because you are Setanta; your ignorance with respect to language singles you out. You are now dissembling, continuing a process that started with your first reply to me.
That you have not entered any debate about specific language issues pretty well confirms the depth of your knowledge on language. You have not addressed one language point that I've raised.
Instead, you ramble on about your misguided notions of what is and what is not allowable in this language thread. To be frank, I'm afraid that I haven't seen much from you that would warrant the placement of just such a trust.
You've stated that you're not interested in what language scientists have to say but you love to offer up some little tidbits of knowledge on Samuel Johnson gleaned from a college course some forty years ago!
Once again, this thread is a place for people to remark upon what they do not like in usage, what might irritate them. This thread is not and never has been billed as the final arbitration of acceptable usage. It is certainly in the English forum, it certainly is not offered as a guide to any student of English.
Quote:From the Able2know Forum Index:
Brush up on usage tips for verbs, nouns, punctuation, etymology,slang and all the other components that make up the English language. ESL teachers are on standby to answer all your questions on the English language. We love answering word origin questions. Our etymologists are waiting to answer your questions.
Management might just disagree with you, Setanta. Care to give us your ESL teaching resume.