Forgive me for not taking the time to read through 92 pages of posts, but I will be responding to the original question, not what the thread has evolved into (knowing you all, it's probably about toast and candles by now

My pet peeves:
Slang/Ebonics: I don't care what your ethnicity is, the fact remains that you were born in the same state as I was and thus there is no need for you to speak as if you have immigrated from a non-English-speaking country. It is not "they is," as hard as it may be to believe.
Get a load of this: Once this girl, Shantell, was copying off my American History test (they act as if I can't see them peering over my shoulder). On my paper, I had the sentence (or something similar to): They were sent to internment camps after the bombing of Pearl Harbor due to their Japanese heritage. Shantell copied down on her paper (I read as she passed it up): Theys was sent to internment camps after the bombin because of theys being Japanese.
What? How is it possible to devour a language like so when the proper way to speak it is laying right in front of you? I was baffled.
Also, this pertains to internet lingo:
The use of "u," "r," "b," so on and so forth, as if they were actual words by themselves. Now it may just be the ease I find when typing, but I don't find it much more difficult to type out the extra two letters it takes to spell out "you". Are we so incredibly lazy that we can not even finish the word "be" without abbreviating it? Goodness!