JTT wrote:
Quote:You can state your opinions from now until kingdom come, Virago; I'm afraid that repetition doesn't qualify as proof. You may have been led to believe that's so because you see so many politicians doing it but it simply isn't so.
Politicians, huh. You do like to stray from the point, don't you. First of all I never repeated a thing; I simply said I was clear in the first place. Secondly, why is it that you keep asking for proof? I don't need a second opinion on something as basic as coherent sentence structure or the past tense of a verb, and I wonder why anyone would. Then again, logic doesn't seem to be your forte. On second thought, please don't answer that. I just don't have the time to continue this, and I feel sure the rest of the very nice people on this thread would rather I didn't encourage you.
JTT wrote:
Quote:If you need a forum free from critique to advance your peeves, Virago, then I think even you can see just how much merit they have.
Boy, you must really be steamed.

I can read the standard print quite clearly, so there is no need for bold unless you just like it. I don't need a critique free forum; I am merely amazed that anyone would get so excited about another person's thoughts. Why should an opinion, a comment made in passing which affects no one, get critiqued? My, but you are defensive. By the way, JTT, you are the one paying so much attention to my personal peeves, thereby advancing them. No one else cares. Perhaps you'd like to stop?
You may be interested to know, though I'm sure you will adamantly deny it, that I did take a peek at some on line information written by the authors you mentioned. I was ridiculously amused to see so many folks concurring with me. You know, since you are paying so much attention to what I think, I will share another thought with you. I think you really love language and are probably an interesting fellow with something to say. Problem is, it is all buried so deeply beneath your rosy outlook that no one will listen. I also think you are fighting a losing battle by posting what you perceive to be higher thinking on the subject on a thread entitled "What are your pet peeves re English usage." You are going to wear yourself out defending your position. However, if you enjoy it, by all means continue. Now then, much to our mutual delight, I'm going back to lurking for a while. I really enjoy reading some of the other folks' thoughts, and you need a chance to cool off.