Merry Andrew wrote:Virago, my heartiest congratulations on your post to JTT. What amuses hell out of me that he is the most pedantic of pedants on this thread, yet instists on calling anyone who disagrees with him a pedant. And for someone who always falls back on Steven Pinker, I suppose it's natural for him to suppose that we, too, take our cues from the likes of William Safire, Richard Lederer or Barbara Wallraff.
Andrew, I think you mean Clary, McTag, Virago, yourself and a few others. Your descriptions of language more closely align you folks with the definitions of pedant/pedantic. All I've done is set the record straight.
Cambridge online:
a person who is too interested in formal rules and small unimportant details
giving too much attention to formal rules or small details:
Why do you have a problem with Steven Pinker. He is an acknowledged expert in the field of language. Let me try to remember who it is that you "pedants"

have "fallen back on" to support your positions, hmmmm, {thinking}, hmmmmmm, {more thinking}, ... NO ONE!
It's been McTag supporting Merry Andrew who supports Clary who supports Pete who supports ... .
There's been some fun poked at each of you at one time or another and your knickers are all twisted up. Get over it. That door has swung both ways.
When you write falsehoods in a public forum, do you expect encouragement? Mr Ellpus was big enough to look at the facts and admit his error. What the hell's wrong with the rest of you? Let the jibes fly, if you will, I don't mind but, for god's sake, please provide some argument for your positions OR failing that, dig up something in the way of proof.