Quote:What possible cruelty or insensitivity leads you to suggest that homosexual men who dress up in women's clothing speak funny?
I didn't know that homosexual men dress up in women's clothing but I will accept that Set knows more about such matters than I do.
This new knowledge has made me wonder why the whys and wherefores of this delicate custom were not debated on the Prop 8 thread. Whether it would, for example, inspire an amusing distraction allieviating the weary suffering of the daily grind or a sad meditation on property price slumps to have a steel-erector foreman and a mortuary attendant as neighbours who wear women's clothes, which is not illegal due to the legislation being beyond the wit and ingenuity of even the wisest body attending to the higher councils of State, as a matter of course and have a washing line reflecting their maturity and taste which attracts all the BWs (Bloomer's Watchers) in the district to have a peep through the holes in the fence from which knots had fallen out due to weathering, I cannot myself determine.
But I must congratulate Set on using the corect term for homosexual men and not falling in with the crowd who have acquiesed so cavalierly to another, three-letter, word being used in its place on being led by the nose to do so by our Media corporations which can be presumed to be sympathetic to this usage, despite its severe deleteriousness to our sacred tongue which all the world will speak in the future and which will be non plussed at how a word denoting galivanting from court to court on a See-The-World tour of the manners of provincial ladies, in a carefree and careful style, be confounded with homosexual men. So non-plussed that there might be seats of the higher learning at some point in the near future sifting the evidence in disputatious and vexatious debate on the matter.
That is my Pet Peeve if you can imagine having a bear with a sore head for a pet.
But Set has me on ignore so I would be grateful if one of you others will pass on my congratulations to him with my apologies for his sorrow at his being unable to receive them at first hand.