plainoldme wrote:M.A. -- When they applied for their jobs, the posting probably said, "translator."
I doubt it, POM. I've done a lot of work for the US State Department as both an interpreter and a translator (Latvian language). The government makes a very clear distinction between the two and, in fact, translating and interpreting are two separate departments within the State Dept.'s Office of Language Services. You don't necessarily qualify for one just because you've been approved for the other. I suspect most of the Arabic language interpreters working as contractors in Iraq could never pass a translator's test. You have to be able to write in both languages at university level to be a translator. An interpreter just needs to be fluent and articulate in both tongues.
No, this is a case of either ignorance or laziness on the part of the news media. That, or it's a plot to further degrade and corrupt the English language.