Why are there so many leftist and liberals in this website?

Tue 26 Mar, 2013 10:19 am
Why are there so many leftist and liberals in this website? What brought you to here?
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Type: Question • Score: 12 • Views: 4,851 • Replies: 65
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Tue 26 Mar, 2013 10:39 am
@High Resolution,
Res that's really a good q

Having participated in a number of diff forums I've long noted that a given forum attracts a particular type for no apparent reason, a snowball quirk

Besides libs a2k also seems to attract esl and youngsters
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 10:52 am
We just wanted to piss you off.
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 10:55 am
Dale wrote:
Besides libs a2k also seems to attract esl and youngsters

Along with a whole lot of old codgers..
High Resolution
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 11:02 am
http://i.imgur.com/P0hcXDw.jpg How does that picture feel?
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Tue 26 Mar, 2013 11:03 am
Doesn't do anything for or to me. But i already knew you are a dimwitted racist scum bag.
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Tue 26 Mar, 2013 11:04 am
Don't have the guts to post that outright, though, do you? Coward . . .
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cicerone imposter
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 11:09 am
@High Resolution,
We didn't know this would be a "liberal" website when we were invited to join a2k back in 2002. Many of us "old timers" were active at the NYT Abuzz website, and invited to a2k by Robert (its developer and founder).

Tue 26 Mar, 2013 11:14 am
old codgers..
Tim that might well be, certainly in my own case at a Bot-like 82 with incipient Alz's

However most of us don't reveal much about ourselves and so I am wondering what imparts that impression
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Tue 26 Mar, 2013 11:16 am
@cicerone imposter,
a2k by Robert (its developer and founder)

Cis I wonder if we could inquire of Robert how he might answer this intriguing OP
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 11:20 am
Dale wrote:
I am wondering what imparts that impression

So, you are saying that you are at a loss here despite your self celebrated searching skills?

I could give you a list of members with their age but I see no purpose to it...
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 11:26 am
Dale's just in hog heaven with this reactionary racist pig. That tells us a lot about Dale.
cicerone imposter
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 11:33 am
It was a harmless inquiry at the beginning, but I'm beginning to think this guy is a racist pig.
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 11:52 am
@cicerone imposter,
a somewhat familiar one too.
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 12:10 pm
Dale wrote:
I am wondering what imparts that impression [the notion that many a2k are oldsters]

So, you are saying that you are at a loss here

despite your self celebrated searching skills?
If I've ever so represented myself I apologize most profusely. I've not the foggiest notion how to determine participants' ages

I could give you a list of members with their age but I see no purpose to it...
Alas, Tim, someone above had commented that a2k seems to attract certain types, including the very old, thereby suggesting such a breakdown might prove of interest to many. Thus if such a listing is available, though I see no need for names, its purpose might be to confirm or refute the comment

Forgive any puns
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Frank Apisa
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 12:16 pm
@High Resolution,
How many are there?

What number constitutes "so many?"
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 12:31 pm
Dale's just in hog heaven with this reactionary racist pig.
Set I'm in a total quandary here. I presume by "racist" you're referring to a posting by Res which apparently shows someone handing Obama a banana, which somehow could be construed as racist but in what way does it draw the inference that I must agree with him

That tells us a lot about Dale.
How, Set, and in what way

If something I've said seems racist I need to know about it so as to subsequently avoid any similar gaffes; thus if you could provide a link to the offending posting it would be appreciated

Oops I forgot, I'm supposed to address you as Anta since the 3-letter abbr is frowned upon hereabout, my most abject apology
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Tue 26 Mar, 2013 12:38 pm
@cicerone imposter,
this guy is a racist pig
Surely Cis you don't mean me tho you may wonder how I could possibly have missed the racist connection in offering Barack a banana

Still Cis maybe you can explain how Anta was brought to conclude some kind of tie between me and Res, other than my slight leftward orientation

Res comments, "How does that picture feel?" which might suggests that instead that it is Anta whom he considers a racist

Part of the problem is that it's not always obvious, esp to the old Bot, who or whom is being addressed, especially where the "Reply" facility isn't used
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 01:07 pm
@Frank Apisa,
…...had me going since so many postings refer to an immediately preceding posting rather than the OP, which asks, "Why are there so many leftist and liberals in this website?" and "What brought you to here?"

When you ask of Res, "How many are there?" and "What number constitutes "so many?" I thought you were asking about my puns

In answer to the former we might consult Tim #……840 who possesses some kind of inside track to q's of that sort. If he can uncover ages of participants perhaps he can also provide their political orientations

Then we can judge for ourselves whether its number constitutes many. As to "What brought you here," still dangling, in the hope that our founder might respond
cicerone imposter
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 01:22 pm
dale, I wasn't addressing you with any of my opinions on this thread. I'm one of those old fogies who have been on a2k since its inception.
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