Quote:No. You have access to the same information.
Yes no Ora, my apologies, I'm always hoping somebody will explain this stuff in short sentences of ordinary words
Quote:In addition to the fact that our universe's expansion is accelerating out of control,
Yes I understand about that. Intuition however, objects to the idea of all those cooling objects and particles mutually accelerating apart forever. Surely grav eventually will reassert itself for a Big Crunch
Quote:there is also now the new news that our universe is doomed to be destroyed by a vacuum metastability disaster sometime in the future.
In a finite Universe there is no outside
Quote:If there really were no "outside", then that would pretty much eliminate any possibility of that new universe you were talking about, because that new universe would be "outside" our universe.
You might have misunderstood my speculation. If the Universe is finite then there just simply can't
be an outside. The Big Crunch supposedly ends in a moment of "nothingness" before the next Big Bang, this "new Universe" not "outside" of but merely subsequent to
Quote:However, whether our universe is finite or infinite has no bearing whatsoever on the question of whether there is an "outside" or not.
In neither case can I entertain the idea of an "outside". What do you suppose is "out there," space
Of course you're welcome to entertain theorize simultaneous Universes incapable of interaction owing to some sort of strange difference in their realities might be considered "outside" one another; but like I said, the simpler theory usu turns out to be the right one
Quote:And last I heard, there was pretty solid proof that our universe is infinite.
It's hard to believe, as a violation of the general rule, frugality. If infinite, and if anything that can happen, will happen, then there must be at any given instant an infinite number of each and every possible world. Seems absurd
As I said Ora, can't defend my position, it's just Intuition
Quote:And the latest data from the Plank Space Observatory might just have proof that there is an "outside".
To save me hours scrolling Google I wonder if you might summarize this finding in short sentences of ordinary words suitable to the Typical Blockhead (me)