Anyone else, help, I feel like this morning I must have awakened as another humanoid on a distant planet with a similar language but the words of different meaning and assembled in different order. At one thread where posted an OP concerning relativity, impugned mercilessly from all quarters as if I were intent on murdering their children
In another, after complimenting one of the contributors on his earlier posting was assailed as if some sort of outcast. What's this new planet called; and is it in the same galaxy I come from (The Milky Way)
Maybe at 82 it's the effect of incipient Alz's but I just haven't yet realized it, in which case I apologize profusely to all
…reminding you however you're not required to read my postings, I won't be at all offended……
Edited to remark that sometimes I suspect my sanity but I find I might have at least one backer, name Frank
..assuring me that the might be some hope for me after all…….
… a world poised for attack on anything, a planet where everyone seems terribly angry or indignant at all times about almost everything…..will attack the most reasonable or the most innocent OP for no apparent reason…...