glad to hear you have done something positive about your depression bookbrain,remember depression is an illness and everyone can suffer from it ,it is not something to be ashamed many negative things are wrote about young people and im glad you can talk about your problems and are prepared to help yourself.
good luck
iceman...32 and two kids. Amazing. I must say, in addition to therapy, my wife saved me from that dark spiral of depression. I'm 33, no kids yet, but I do have a wonderful dog whose love is incredibly infectious.
Glad to hear it, bookbrain. BTW, Dysthymic disorder or is a general low-grade depression, just like your SW said. Definitely let us know what the doc says, and remember if he/she puts you on meds, it takes 4 - 6 weeks for them to take full effect.
My mom made an appointment for next thrursday 10:00. I'll keep you poseted. thanx for the support.
You bet. In the mean time keep hangin' in there. We're here if you need us!
that goes for me too bookbrain
Saw the doctor teh other day. I do have depression, and I'm now on medication for it. Things should be looking up, but they aren't. Thursday my b/f broke up w/me. And I don't want to do ne thing. It hurts that he's the only one I've been able to truely trust through all this and now he's all but gone. He's been my rock, my reason not to sink into this. And now I dont' know if I can talk to him; and if not him, who do I turn to. I have almost no one.
I'm so sorry, bookbrain. Remember, it will take 3 - 4 weeks for the medication to take full affect. You have a counselor? They're good for talking to. What about your other friends? I know it's a difficult thing to talk about. Even if you feel you can't talk to them, we are here if you need us. Things WILL get better. I know it doesn't seem like it. I have been there and I know it's not pretty. Someone once told me "This too shall pass." Think about that. Repeat it to yourself. I have dealt with horrible anxiety attacks & that was one thing that helped me through. It won't always be like this. Bookbrain, this too shall pass.
I know it will pass, but I'm hurting so much. Growing up I was never able to sleep w/stuffed animals, I'd always throw them on the floor, last night I slept w/4 and I've carried around a stuffed bear all day. It's ******* hurts. I miss him so much; he didn't actually say that he never wants to talk to me again, but I don't know if I can talk to him ne more. He was the only one I could fully trust w/this, I've only told one other person even half of what he knows. I know it won't be like this forever, but I'm sinking faster and farther than I've ever sunk. I don't feel as if I have the support I had when I had him. I'm lost, just as I was begining to find myself again.
I feel so bad for you, bookbrain. Your hurt is so familiar to me. Maybe it will help a little to go over the last couple of pages of this thread. I want you to know that there are people who care about you, even though you can't see them. We could never take the place of your b/f, but you can use us and whomever you can around you as a 'crutch', okay? Can you reach out to him? I don't know your whole circumstance, but it could help to have him as a friend. It's ok if you can't, just a suggestion.
Do you trust your counselor? If you do tell him/her all your 'stuff'. They're there to listen & help you sort everything out. Take care of yourself & hug that teddy bear all you want!
thanx. the reason he gave me for the breakup is that i've been clinggy and that i don't seem to care about much. it's true that i have been a little clinggy, but b/c he's one of the few people that i can trust and i need his support. since thursday i've felt that i've sunk back into what i was b4 we started going out.
Its been a week and I miss him so much. I can't stop. Over the past week there hasn't been more than an hour that I been with a stuffed animal. Not more than a couple of minutes can pass where I don't hink about him. Since we started going out I've been able to think clearer and began to put things into perspective. Now I'm back to square one. I'm lost and I don't know where to turn...
bookbrain - I know. I'm so sorry for your pain. Sounds like you have separation anxiety. The stuffed animal is a good thing. You need comfort. You are a wonderful worthwhile person. Nobody wants you to feel this way.
Are you talking to anyone? your counselor? I hope you find someone. Do you journal? It might help a little to get it out...
I'm sending you a big hug, too. Bookbrain, I care. Don't give up on you, no matter what. You can get through this. It WILL get better (you say it can't get much worse?) maybe true. Then any little progress is better. Take it a little at a time. I'm thinking about and praying for you.
I've finally been able to loose the bear for over an hour. so I'm getting alittle better!
Yay! Small steps are good! Keep takin' 'em!
what med? I hope it's not Effexor...
hmmmm...that's one I haven't been on..... how does it work?