Some notes on creativity and other important things, but first, and most importantly important: the name of the mush I make many morning is
~~~~Bob's Red Mill 10 Grain um, Mush.

Okay, it's really called Hot Cereal, but, to me, all hot cereals are mush, kind of like all animals to a two year old are "DOG! Dog!DOG!"
It's good stuff, tastes a little nutty if you let it cook long enough which is about ten minutes, about twice the time listed on the bag.
Add stuff (berries, nuts, brown sugar, bananas, applesauce) as you like. I don't do any of that. (okay....I sometimes sneak a little brown sugar into the bowl, pour on the mush and then I get a sweet surprise. It's important, if you want to be surprised, that you forget you put in the sugar.
On Creativity and making it easier:
I once wrote: "Writing is hard, not as hard as not writing, but still.... ."
I know what you are talking about, it's better sometimes to eliminate the clutter around us so the creative focus can rise up. Your room experiment would be interesting to watch. Some of the artists I have had the pleasure to know would be absolutely bored to find themselves given only wire and a needlenose pliers. How limiting! I know one guy who would make a tiny
sarcastic butterfly and another (engineer) who would make a perfect paperclip.
(There you go.)
If someone is stuck, then yes, cancel out the background noise.
If an artist is open, in the sense that there is awareness, if placed in a room filled to the rafters with objects and instruments, they will immediately focus on what is calling out to be made at that moment.
Went to the doctor's (MD) yesterday and had my first acupuncture experience. Some improvement, but I don't know if the treatment really helped.
I said to the guy
"So I told you I was using ice after activity with Naproxen twice a day and doing long slow sessions of yoga with occasional 5 on, 5 off heat treatments and you said 'Keep doing that.' I would much rather be paying you for advice that I wasn't already following. "
Nice guy, very sharp. He laughed.
Joe ( on we go...slowly)Nation