The name Putz makes me giggle. Carry on.
Me too.
I figure he is tired of hearing about it.
Well, if you believe local AZ media, it's "
puts" as in "
put up or shut up."
Done mate...that is fair enough in my book...and it is all for fun anyways...and we do not have to get 2 guys involved for closers or anything...
Cole Hamels for Jose Bautista...trade proposed if you want it Tico...
I agree with you guys and girls also...Putz is a funny name...I agree with you Tico, Putz is not losing his closing job....
What OF bat do you think is fair for Romo? If you are willing to deal...
Actually, I think pitching is overvalued st drafts, specially closers. i got great SP because i showed un late at the draft.
I think you are correct FB...It all depends on the format...but you usually always do better with bats than arms...
I see you have a lot of arms...and I have a lot of bats...
I sent out 5 trade offers if you are interested in any of them...
I'm the obsessive retired type who studies at least 500 names somewhat, aceing out all sorts of people for my own odd reasons re their stats, their health, or my irritation for them (not as people but re the game) in the past.
Someone odd like me could wrench the neck of whoever organized the yahoo system, as in once I start to line up my possibles and probables, the going gets tricky re moving someone from, say, yahoo number 246 to my 75 0r 102 - bunch of index finger clicking. So my way of doing this is all problematic as any kind of useful hobby.
In the process though, I do get to recognize a lot of names and form shallow opinions based on various sources, which I may or may not remember right off the bat.
Agreed, osso. There has to be a better way to maneuver the players in the customized draft order.
Thanks Tico...
...If you are interested in moving Brandon League...I will be a buyer also...
Looking for one more top level SP...and a good closer or set up guy...If anyone wants a good bat...
I'll add that I'd like the rejects-list to be accessible alphabetically. Since I reject a lot, it's annoying-plus to have to skim the whole list to find if that's where I put Whatshisname or the batter WhatWasSoBadAboutHim.
Seeing it's my first time at Fantasy, I didn't know what to expect. Regardless, it seemed unbelievably annoying.
Yeah - if I were smarter tech wise I'd try to figure out some other way of ordering them on my own, outside of yahoo, being able to move up and down more that from, say, # 183 to the top #1 or the bottom #463... perhaps by ten or 20 at a time, then going to the individual clicks.
I have a pc, but I thought hitting Page Down worked but I could be wrong. I know you use a Mac, so I'm no help there.
Incidentally, I noticed a nice new avatar there!
Scrolling did no good and my down arrow is just like a click on one name at a time.
It'd seem to me that something must act like a Form Feed, you know? Like skipping down a whole screen's worth.
There is one tip Ragman and Osso that I can think of...If you go into the draft...(I am not sure if this works during a pre-ranking)...but once you are in the draft...If you click where it says "all players"...and change it to SP, or 1B, SS, RP or whatever specific position you are looking for, So now it shows players ranks, and stats from that position...and not all players in baseball...it will show you where it ranks them and who is left....So you can kinda see the top 10, or 20 left at that position, and where they are ranked overall...
But I agree there could be easier ways...