@Finn dAbuzz,
You're the one who's making up straw men, and taking a extremely simplistic view of the situation. Nobody on the Palestinian side at least has justified violence, some of us have tried to put it into context, in that it's the actions of an oppressed people resisting a brutal occupation, but that's not the same as justifying it. Having said that it's a far cry from the casual brutality of the IDF and Settlers who routinely bully/victimise/take random potshots at the Civilian population.
Nobody said that the Holocaust means that Jews should not use violence, but it's quite shocking that a people who had been persecuted should take such delight in the persecution of another. I know you have a problem with understanding things unless they're spelled out, but I think most of the time you deliberately misinterpret things so you can pontificate about straw men.
The Holocaust may have been a catastrophe for the Jewish people but it was a gift for the State of Israel. Were it not for the Holocaust Israel would not be able to get away with half of the **** it does. Israel routinely uses the Holocaust and the spectre of anti-Semitism to stifle any criticism, and people like you lap it up.
You talk about Palestinians needing to stop violence, but ignore the consequences of inaction. In the West Bank construction of illegal settlements has increased, and the brutality in places like Hebron is extreme. Even when the violence does stop the brutality of the occupation remains, Palestinians are routinely held for hours on end at checkpoints with no food or water, they are denied medical treatment, punched in the face, hit with rifle buts and spat at.
I know you seem to identify with the oppressor as opposed to the oppressed, but you've not said what you think the state of Israel should do. I know you think the Palestinians should allow themselves to be brutalised, and that any resistance however slight is justification of the continued oppression. It's clear that there is nothing Israel could do that would provoke even the mildest rebuke from you.