contrex wrote:
Foofie wrote:I might have been born into a higher social class than someone else. Just conjecture.
No American can ever be born into a "higher social class" than anybody else for two reasons:
1. They don't have a class system in the US, everybody is the same class (they keep banging on about it, so it must be true)
2. All Americans are chavs and will never be anything else.
I do not know what a "chav" is.
Also, there is a social class system in the U.S. Proof of that is that when people are asked what class they are in, most say "middle class," regardless of whether they are really "the working poor" or not.
The fact that you hear/read that there is no class system in the US is so that the masses are pacified with the belief that we are all equal. There is a social class system. That is why many people cannot get into certain cooperatives in Manhattan, since the Board of Directors has the legal right to vote in or out a propective cooperator.
You are talking from someone far off from the US, and are making false assumptions from the likely propaganda you read/hear.
P.S. The terms that are used by educated people here is whether one is upwardly mobile, or downwardly mobile, or static. And, social class is not based neccesarily on wealth, since it is just a copy of the British class system which is based on the social class one was born into from one's father. This allows, for example, an upper class man to marry a pretty and poor stewardess, and his children are given the social class of the father, not the mother.