Oh really? Identify the straw man I have constructed.
Your MP did, in fact, say that Jews, by virtue of their experience with the Holocaust, should adopt a non-violent approach to "other peoples."
You simply cannot sway from your position that Palestinian violence is righteous and justified.
No one on the Palestinian side has justified violence? Are you really this gullible?
Somehow you have the amazing ability to know that the Palestinians, in their hearts, abhor the violence they perpetrate but that Jews "delight in it."
The Holocaust was a "gift" for the state of Israel. This has to be one of the most outrageous and offensive comments I've seen in this forum.
I have not once "talked about" in this thread the need for Palestinians to stop employing violence. What I have talked about is that if the Jewish experience should restrict them from employing violence, then it only makes sense that the Palestinian experience should do the same. You and others are desperate to give the Palestinans a free pass on their violence while utterly condemning the violence of the Israelis (which you seem to have a problem separating from "Jews")
You are, clearly, All-In for the Palestinians, and logic be damned.
As for me, the Settlements are provacative and unjustified and not only should be stopped but removed.
Clearly the Palestinians in all their forms have set themselves up as enemies of Israel, and therefore I don't have a problem with Israel treating them as such.
What Israel should do, and sooner rather than later, is to assure that the Palestinians have a nation of their own. Give them complete soverignty over Gaza and the West Bank.
Once there is a true Palestinian nation, Israel can treat, under your sacred international law, it as every other nation treats neighboring nations.
Firing rockets into Israel will be an act of war, and international law will allow for a retailiatory response.
Of course folk like you will then part way from international law and still demand that Israel essentially surrender to its enemies.
Israel can never win in the UN and with you and your ilk unless it effectively surrenders to the Palestinians.
You identify with anyone your dilletante sensibilities tell you are the "oppressed," because this makes you feel good, and so you go to concerts and rallies in London that profess to support the oppressed Palestinians.
Of course your
cool driven sensibilities don't tell you that Coptic Christians in Egypt are oppressed, and so you're not inclined to take up for them the way you've taken up for the
approved victims in the world.
You get a a real kick out of the leftist London scene's boycotting anything associated with Israel, commerically or culturally because it means so much and has such a positive effect!
And you consistently excuse the violence employed by the
Freedom Fighters you so admire, while wailing to the heavens about how deplorable the violence the Israelis (or Jews, as you prefer to call them) use to defend themselves.
You have the nerve to deplore what you consider to be the unsophisticated and ignorant Manchean world view of American "Neo-Cons" while you apply that very same view to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
You and your confreres have played precisely into the hands of the Palestinian PR machine and you have enabled the conflict to continue unabetted.
Your opinion on these matters is of little to no value.