@Joe Nation,
Joe Nation wrote:
Three days ago the State of Florida issued its one millionth concealed carry permit; that means that one in 18 people there feels the need to be armed when in public.
I believe this fact needs to be correlated with other facts to make it meaningful. Meaning what percentage is male? What are the percentages for each ten year age bracket? What percentage is white/Black/Hispanic?
My point is that if women, that had children in their youth and are now over 40, were the individuals with concealed carry permits, I would feel quite safe.
Meaning, as I heard on NPR radio the other day, during an interview of the author that recently wrote about mass killings in Mother Jones, most of these killings are by males under 40 and white. So, society might just need to do something about testosterone as a dangerous drug. Unfortunately, perhaps, males produce this drug in great quantities often into the fifth decade of life, if not beyond. Just my opinion; however, the male penchant for violence might be the opening thoughts on the President's desire to address the concern about mass killings. This incident was the seventh this year (four or more dead in a public space qualifies), according to the author on the NPR interview.
And, let's be honest, boys are encouraged to do "boy things" (aka, physical confrontation, be it sports, or pecking order bonding), since in the U.S. a worst nightmare for many a parent is that their boy can grow up to be a sissy. So, while toy cap guns (circa, 1955) may not be seen nowadays, boys are still enouraged to forget cuddling with a teddy bear, and do "boy things." And, it's not the sugar that is making for ADHD necessarily, but the "culture" of boys learning to be physical males perhaps?