Quote:NY DEATH that can be made preventable should be investigated as such.
Sorry if you go by the standards that preventing deaths for any reason is the over riding priority then in my opinion we would end up living in a society that would not be worth living in.
Big mother on a large scale that will tell us what to eat, drink, and what hobbies and so on with out end......................
But then the anti gun crowd clearly do not wish to live in such a world either they just wish to used the acts of a few mad men to justify the disarming of the American people against all logic.
They will even try to claimed against the CDC and other medical information that smoking around infants and children do not in fact results in far larger numbers of deaths to children then firearms happen to every year.
Having a home full of smoke with children in them is fine and we do not need to address that with congressional hearings and new laws but we do need to removed all firearms from all homes for the safety of the children!!!!!!!!
You and others are clearly hipocrites when it come to the stated reasons you wish to disarmed the American people.