@reasoning logic,
I'm gonna be blunt with you, so don't take it too personal. No hard feelings.
Your wording of your reply.... What a narrow-minded and just plain mistaken thing to say?
Not to disappoint you, but your "club" of handful of people is not the only ones who are interested or participate in the subject of moral philosophy. All humans with a normal mental capacity or the ability to reason, partakes in moral philosophy in some way or another whether it be before or after a decision, an action, or even an inaction.
When philosophy is removed from life context, and humanology, there is no place for it. Otherwise, it is fine and helps organize and see our ways of forming/choosing beliefs. Now regarding good arguments, most people are either too tired or too stupid to follow a good argument.
Given that ethics, mathematics, logic, science (biology, physics, etc.) economics, psychology, computer science, and sociology (just to name the "biggies") are all the spawn of philosophy and are predicated on philosophical assumptions, it seems philosophy is not practiced by you and your club full of handful of people. Our entire culture is predicated on the efforts of many who have questioned and thought boldly. Your ideas are betrayed in your snark comment and pettiness to let alone make anyone else think otherwise by your lack of skills to think deeply or question the assumptions, political, ethical or otherwise, which you holds most dearly.
Now if you're meaning to suggest mental masturbation, and not moral philosophy, then yes, there are only a certain number of people whose hobby consist of intellectuality simulating discussion with no practical purpose, as well as to create awareness of how very limited is our understanding of the world. If you're for all of that, go do your thing man. I'll join you if I'm interested in the topic being discussed.