Another major school shooting today ... Newtown, Conn

Fri 11 Jan, 2013 07:53 am
t's just a matter of time - the daily body count goes on in the meantime.. For now, let's
wait to see how this issue plays in Peoria.

It just a matter of time that the US constitution is broken and 300 millions firearms are seized?

As far as body count somehow being blown up or burned to death or knife to death or shoved in front of a subway train does not seems all that better then being killed by firearms.
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 07:58 am
No news there, liberals have always been fixated on white boys penises
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 08:03 am
Someone should remind James Earl Jones that there have been over 60 mass shootings in the United States since the one at Columbine...

...and every one of them has been committed by one of those "decent law-abiding citizens" whose rights to own guns are so important to him.

None of them were committed by people who were "criminals" before the shootings.

And since those "decent law-abiding citizens" had easy access to guns...there were a whole bunch of other decent law-abiding citizens who are now dead decent law-abiding citizens!
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 08:07 am
@Frank Apisa,
What JEJ knows and what you and your ilk ignore is that most of the firearm deaths in this country are young black males shooting other young black males with hand guns. Obama is keeping blacks on the democratic plantation, right were liberals want them.
Frank Apisa
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 08:17 am
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5223964)
What JEJ knows and what you and your ilk ignore is that most of the firearm deaths in this country are young black males shooting other young black males with hand guns. Obama is keeping blacks on the democratic plantation, right were liberals want them.

You may be correct about that.

But the fact remains that I cannot think of any mass shootings here in America that have been done by anyone except by what you folk insist are "decent law-abiding citizens"...until after they kill.

Oh, wait a minute. There was that thing on St. Valentine's Day in Chicago a few years back. But mass shootings by what you people call "criminals" are rare...and mass shootings by what you people call "decent law-abiding citizens" are all too frequent.

Fri 11 Jan, 2013 08:22 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5223964)
What JEJ knows and what you and your ilk ignore is that most of the firearm deaths in this country are young black males shooting other young black males with hand guns. Obama is keeping blacks on the democratic plantation, right were liberals want them.

You may be correct about that.

Mass amounts of young black Americans are shooting & killing each other, many in Chicago and Obama doesn't care.
Val Killmore
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 08:26 am
McTag wrote:

To the armchair gunslingers:

Good morning! Who are you going to be today? John Wayne? Gary Cooper? Robert de Niro? Daniel Boone? Davy Crockett?

Please, what? Please don't infringe on my constitutional rights - how about that? People that think banning a type of gun will fix this problem have a severe reality checking looming.
Knee-jerk reaction that further reduces our freedoms all in some comically futile effort to save a VERY minute number of lives? It's just pointless, completely and utterly pointless. If someone wants to shoot up a school, they are unfortunately probably going to do so with pistol or any other legal gun - or just buy an assault rifle illegally.

You can't fire an assault rifle any faster than a pistol. People want to kid themselves and reduce mag capacity...whatever, knock yourself out. Those are the same people that have absolutely no idea how easy it is to buy them overseas or modify one for high capacity.

The greatest mass killing of school children happened in Bath Michigan, 1927. Homemade explosives were used.

Lunatics don't care about gun control or gun bans. The 911 hijackers couldn't board commercial aircraft with guns, so they used box cutters, pepper spray and the airplanes themselves as a killing weapon.

Britain banned guns but has that deterred the overall crime rate, and on top of that, it now has the highest violent crime rate in the EU.


Keep in mind America's population is around 300 mil while UK's population is around 62 mil
Frank Apisa
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 08:36 am
Mass amounts of young black Americans are shooting & killing each other, many in Chicago and Obama doesn't care.

This, H2O, is the kind of unwarranted, unsubstantiated, ludicrous assertion that causes your arguments to fall apart as easily as they do.

You have some decent points to make, but you undermine them with nonsense like this. You ought really to stop it.

I am sure Barack Obama "cares" about the senseless violence blacks commit against other blacks (and others) in Chicago. However, his solutions would undoubtedly be different from yours. Yours, I have to assume, would be to issue a gun to every "decent, law-abiding" youngster in Chicago...in certainty that gun violence would decrease as a result...right?
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 08:40 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Mass amounts of young black Americans are shooting & killing each other, many in Chicago and Obama doesn't care.

I am sure Barack Obama "cares" about the senseless violence blacks commit against other blacks (and others) in Chicago.

What do you base this on?

What has Obama done to help?

He may have said something about the problem at some time, but he has done nothing!

Obama's LACK of action speaks louder than his words.

This is Obama's way of reminding black Americans that he is nothing like them.
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 08:46 am
It just a matter of time that the US constitution is broken and 300 millions firearms are seized

I think paranoia constitutes a mental illness. Perhaps your guns shouldn't be in your hands until your delusions are in remission. You really should start taking your medication again...
As far as body count somehow being blown up or burned to death or knife to death or shoved in front of a subway train does not seems all that better then being killed by firearms...

If that's the extent of your understanding of the gun violence problem, no wonder you can't comprehend the topic.

Those "body counts" represent people, BillRM, real people--and that includes all the real people minding their own business who are being hit by stray bullets.

Do you know many people being hit by stray knives?

Gun violence in this country is endangering people's lives and safety just about everywhere.

Because of gun violence, it is not safe for young children to walk our streets...
5-year-old hit by stray bullet in Plainfield
Jan 11, 2013

PLAINFIELD — Police are scrambling to identify and locate a suspect who fired a hail of bullets in the West End Thursday afternoon, including one stray round that struck a 5-year-old boy in the face.

City Public Safety Director Martin Hellwig said late Thursday that the victim had “taken a turn for the worse,” and his life may be in jeopardy.

The stray bullet entered the boy’s mouth and lodged in his throat, Hellwig said.

The youngster was taken to Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick for surgery and was listed in critical but stable condition late Thursday.

“He was actually conscious during the entire period of time (immediately following the shooting),” Hellwig said. “This is really outrageous.”

It was about 4 p.m. Thursday when police responded to a shots-fired call originating from the area of Plainfield Avenue and South Second Street to encounter a chaotic scene.

Witnesses reported that an unknown male was seen firing a gun multiple times, and Hellwig said investigators believe that the suspect was targeting a specific person, but not the child who was shot.

Because of gun violence, it is not safe for the elderly to walk the streets...
Elderly Woman Hit By Stray Bullet Remains Hospitalized; City Official Calls Incident ‘Insanity’
January 10, 2013

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — A 90-year-old Brooklyn woman who was hit by a stray bullet on Wednesday remained hospitalized Thursday.

Police said Gloria Johnson was wounded in a drive-by shooting near Blake and Miller avenues in East New York as she was walking with a home health aide and a cart full of laundry.

According to police, Johnson was struck in the arm at least once when a car drove by and someone inside fired several shots.

The incident happened around 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday.

Johnson was taken to Brookdale University Hospital where she is listed in stable condition. She is expected to make a full recovery.

City Councilmember Charles Barron, like many neighbors, voiced anger over the gun violence.

“This is madness. This is insanity that a 90-year-old can’t take out the laundry without being shot at,” Barron said.


You can't be safe from gun violence even while driving...
Stray bullet strikes windshield, injures hand of University of Michigan student from Muskegon
January 09, 2013

ROOSEVELT PARK, MI – A 19-year-old Muskegon native, heading back to college late Sunday night, escaped serious injury when an errant bullet came through his windshield, striking him in the hand, police said.

The incident occurred shortly after 9 p.m. Jan. 6 at Sherman Boulevard and Henry Street in Roosevelt Park.

Authorities said the man was driving east on Sherman, approaching Henry, in a Ford Escape, when his windshield was struck and shattered by an unknown object.

You can't be safe from gun violence even in your own home...
Woman Struck, Wounded By Stray Bullet In Jersey City
January 6, 2013

JERSEY CITY, N.J. (CBSNewYork) — A woman was wounded Sunday afternoon when a stray bullet came speeding through the window of her apartment in Jersey City and struck her.

As 1010 WINS’ Gary Baumgarten reported, the young mother was sitting in her apartment in what is by all accounts a safe six-family building at Old Bergen Road and Neptune Avenue in Jersey City. But trouble outside invaded.

The stray bullet smashed through her bedroom window, hitting her in the abdomen.

Lisa, the building super, lives right across the hall. She ran across to help.

“I went toward the father, and asked him what was wrong, and he told me that she got shot. And I said, ‘How?’ You know, and he said, ‘It came through the window.’”

At a time when there is a national debate on guns, Lisa added her voice to the chorus. Something, she said, has to be done to stop all the gun violence.


And those stray bullet woundings are just a few from this week.
0 Replies
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 08:48 am
What JEJ knows and what you and your ilk ignore is that most of the firearm deaths in this country are young black males shooting other young black males with hand guns.

That's probably one reason the NAACP has been calling for better gun control for quite some time.
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 08:56 am

Obama, you and the NAACP are out of touch.

The vast majority of black American males shooting black American males happens
in Blue state cities with the strictest of gun controls in place for quite some time.

How would even stricter gun controls make a positive difference?

Obama doesn't give two shits about Black Americans, they are not like him.

Fri 11 Jan, 2013 08:57 am

How would even stricter gun controls make a positive difference?

Let's try them and see.

It's the NRA that's been keeping that from happening.
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 09:00 am
firefly wrote:


How would even stricter gun controls make a positive difference?

Let's try them and see.

You must be the poster child of Liberal Idiocracy.

Super strict gun controls don't work so you want to make them more strict.

Frank Apisa
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 09:00 am
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5223990)
Frank Apisa wrote:

Mass amounts of young black Americans are shooting & killing each other, many in Chicago and Obama doesn't care.

I am sure Barack Obama "cares" about the senseless violence blacks commit against other blacks (and others) in Chicago.

What do you base this on?

My knowledge of human nature...and my assessment of the man.

What has Obama done to help?

Unfortunate choice of words there, H2O! In any case, what Barack Obama has done to stop senseless crime is one of the very few things that can be done...to speak out against it...to point out the senselessness of it.

What, if you were president of the United States would you do to lessen the amount of violent crime committed by blacks against blacks in Chicago...that you suppose Obama should be doing?

He may have said something about the problem at some time, but he has done nothing!

I repeat, what would you be doing to lessen black violence against blacks in Chicago that you suppose Obama should be doing? What is anyone doing on the issue that you suppose Obama is not supporting...or is, in fact, inhibiting?

Obama's LACK of action speaks louder than his words.

This sounds like a good slogan...but I see it born of your unreasonable dislike of Obama rather than any logical assessment of what is happening. In fact, it brings us back to the questions I've asked.

This is Obama's way of reminding black Americans that he is nothing like them.

Well, if you are saying that Obama is trying to tell young blacks that they can aspire to something as seemingly impossible as the presidency...YES...he is doing that. And in so doing, he IS doing something to lessen blacks attacking blacks. If he is reminding young black punks that it is not necessary to be a punk simply because of skin color...YES...he is doing that. And I am happy he is.

Why aren't you? Why must you have such a negative regard for the man?
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 09:03 am
@Frank Apisa,
Obama's plan is to keep black Americans on the democratic plantation so they will vote for liberal democrats.

That is the only use Obama has for black Americans - nothing more.
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 09:08 am

Obama used black Americans to get his power and to stay in power.

He has rewarded black Americans by ignoring them and there particular needs.
You see, Obama knows nothing about being a black American.
0 Replies
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 09:11 am
Super strict gun controls don't work so you want to make them more strict.

Strict gun controls in one geographic area don't work if you can go into a neighboring area, easily make gun purchases, often by straw purchasers, and just as easily bring them into the area with strict controls.

We need stricter controls on a national/federal level.
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 09:12 am
Isn't that against the law and doesn't that break all of the super strict blue state gun control laws?

BTW, "Guns don't kill people, Michael Moore kills people and eats them."
Frank Apisa
Fri 11 Jan, 2013 09:12 am
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5224016)
Obama's plan is to keep black Americans on the democratic plantation so they will vote for liberal democrats.

I am sure the plan of the Democratic Party is to keep as many blacks, Latinos, and women in the fold as possible...but championing legislation aimed at seeing that these groups which have constantly been short-changed by society....are no longer short-changed.

It is not only a brilliant strategy...it is what should be done. It is the right, moral, and just thing to be doing. I am disappointed the Republican Party has so much trouble embracing it....and why conservatives like you have to depict it using words like "on the plantation."

That is the only use Obama has for black Americans - nothing more.

Another piece of unreasonable and unnecessary hyperbole that only serves to lessen the impact of your arguments. You have some decent points to make, H2O...you really have to get away from hurting them by engaging in this kind of nonsense.

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