JTT wrote:
I'm still waiting for you to describe something good that the US has done, MM. I even started a thread for you. You do as you always do when you're struck by cognitive dissonance, you flee or you begin to parados.
May I answer teacher? I think the US has offered the world a role model to show how people can live better under democratic capitalism, than socialism, communism, a despot, or a theocracy. And, when I say live better, I do not just mean bigger cars, or more food, but also the opportunity for one-half the population (women) to function as independent individuals, and not have to pander to the male ego, in order to have a worthwhile, productive life.
Even in many western countries women are careful not to antagonize the male ego, since so much of a women's life is dictated by a society where men rule.
In effect, the brainwashing in so many countries limits women from utilizing their intelligence. A bigger crime, in my opinion, than the harping by some people about the crimes of the US. It is just from whose perspective, I guess. Especially, if one might not even recognize female submissiveness as a crime.