It was all about oil and rubber, JTT.
Anything else you try to make of it is your inability to accept that Japan would go to war for such reasons.
I've not said that I didn't accept that as a reality, Punkey. Really, where do you guys get these silly notions from?
Why you people are so predisposed to deal in these diversions/inanities is really not beyond me. I understand completely.
If we were to compare my inability to accept reality with y'all's inability to accept reality, what do you think the balance sheet would look like?
What do you think have been the reasons for the 200 invasions of sovereign nations that the US has engaged in? That's one every one point 2 years [about] of your existence as a country.
Do you consider that oil has been part of that? What about bananas, rubber, gold, silver, copper, ... ?