@Finn dAbuzz,
My, what big antlers you have, too bad they are not ears.
What I said was :
Quote:1) Just in passing~ Livestock don't eat corn unless they are starving for ANYTHING to eat.
When you take beef cattle off of grass pasture and put them in feedlot pens, they will starve themselves for up to a week before eating the mixture of corn, soy and antibiotics poured in the troughs on the pen's boundaries. They get fatter on that feed, but they get sick to their stomachs almost right away. The cattle burp and fart more methane into the air then the gas and oil fields do.
We should do a simple test, Finn, you pick ten cattle, steers or heifers, doesn't matter. I'll find us ten acres of pasture. You put all the cattle feed you want to out in the pasture in buckets or troughs or in ribbon-bedecked baskets.
Throw in a dozen chickens and a place for them to roost at night.
I'll be you anything that neither the chickens nor the cattle will touch the stuff in those troughs as long as there is grass to eat (or grass and bugs for the chickens).
All winnings go to charity.
I didn't say livestock wouldn't eat corn, I said they wouldn't eat it unless they were starving.
Joe(at the end of a year you and I will split a big grass-fed beefsteak and some really good BBQ chicken.) Nation