You're welcome.
BTW...I like your real name! I may steal it as a user name.

(Not here, but for something else.

Thank you and you are welcome to use my name anywhere you want, except here of course. That would be too strange ;-)
*L* Yeah, I can imagine it would be. My real name is fairly common, but it feels somewhat odd to run into it now and again. For instance recently I exchanged a few e-mails with someone regarding a casual relief position. Her name is the same as mine so it was funny to address mail to her using "my" name.
That must be strange, lol. I've never had to address anyone who had the same name as I do, since it's obviously not a common name in most places. What's really weird is when I lived in Mass and someone called my name, I knew for sure that they were talking to me, but then when I moved to NB I hear my name constantly and it drove me nuts for the longest time. There's actually a woman in the area who has the same last name and if you knew my last name, you'd know how uncommon that name is as well, except for where I live of course.
You should change it around a little. Like, throw in a night of dancing, and fine italian, before you retire to the hill. Instead of kissing, change it to one sweet kiss. That will make it more romantic.
Huh? She's not writing a story.
Oo! And firecrackers. What if you were watching firecrackers go off in the city.
C'mon, caprice, guys don't have that great of memories. He'd stop and think "Oh, yeah... firecrackers..." And it will make the memory more romantic.
SCoates, next thing you'll be suggesting she say "the earth moved." Hah.
NIMH, gosh, if I were 30 years younger and not already taken, I just might travel to Holland. You do have a beautiful way of expressing yourself.
I so agree about people not expressing their love or appreciation often enough. That is terrbly sad and so easily changed.
Montana, your words need to be said. They will add beauty to both your lives.
I'm in contact with two, no three, old flames, one my ex, sans flame but well associated and friendly, and one who is/was very gay and I didn't get it, time has brought us around to keeping in touch, the reaching out being on both our parts. I have been shunted to the phone of a third (a person I had a three year affair with) when calling someone else for a non romantic reason - and we had a spontaneous how the hell are you talk, which was gratifying for both of us and enough for both of us. I am glad that happened, did not plan it.
I had a couple of very interesting men tell me the same thing, that anyone could love anyone, it was circumstances. I forget their exact words, but I have always felt the opposite, that we love each other for precise reasons, and not always for the well constructed personae we think we are, or the slight curve above the left wrist.. but still, very related to the person loved.
I fear they were right, but still want to be known for being me, what'ere the mess me is - I think most of us want that.
So it is good to be remembered as particular and special.
The hard news is that usually that piquance fades. Tread carefully if preserving all that in time is that important to you.
*LOL* Yeah and what happens if the guy DOES have a good memory? He starts thinking "there were no firecrackers, she's whacked!" End o' romance there!
Oh, you don't want to date a guy with a good memory. So lying is a good way to weed out bad men.
Actually he has an amazing memory. When we talked a few months ago he brought up many things that I had forgotten about and I wouldn't tarnish our memories with lies anyway.
Ok, I did a lot of thinking and I have decided not to send the letter. I thought about what you all said and I thought it might be best if I keep those thoughts to myself.
LOL. I am a bit of a scardy cat ;-)
Montana: It would make me feel wonderful to receive a letter like that. What have you got to lose? Don't change a word and send it as is. That's my 2 cents.
Oh, for heavens sake. Now you're going to get me thinking about this again, lol.
Funny, I was thinking about this the other day. Sorta thinking that the only person who'd know how the recipient would react, would be the recipient, and he couldn't even tell you - because the idea of getting a letter like this is not the same as the reality.
Tough call.
I still thinking writing it down was wonderful. Sending it would make me nervous, but I'm always afraid I'd get the wrong reaction to something like this (and I couldn't even tell you what I think is the wrong reaction, cuz I don't know).
Yikes, Montana--you're still mulling? Will you turn into apple cider?
How often do you talk with him? Is he in a relationship? If he wanted to start up again, how would you feel?
I am respectively NOT going to give any advice on this topic, as I don't want Montana to get any more peeved at me than she already is.
I will say that I did send a similar letter and reestablished (very remote) contact with someone. But it wasn't anything like your letter. It was just "here's where I'm at, here's what my life has become". The reason I did it was because I thought I was going to marry her at one time in my life. I wanted her to know that my life was going well just the same, and wondered how hers turned out. Nothing more, nothing less.