Wed 3 Oct, 2012 03:32 pm
For those that watch the debate (I might not), here is a thread to vent your opinions. Naturally, many have already made up their minds, even if one candidate shines over the other candidate. (Like my own voting for Romney, based solely on my thinking that he sees American Exceptionalism as a vision for the U.S. future. I do not know what Obama's vision for the U.S. is, and honestly, I am not so confident it would be what a viewer thinks it is in a debate. Just my opinion.)
i'm going to see if i can spot the puppeteer that controls both the puppets
please ignore the man behind the curtain.
makes me wonder what dick cheney is up to...
Wonder where the Koch bros. will be?
Obama very awkward wishing "sweetie" a happy anniversay.
He looked very nervous.
Romney a little less nervous with first answer, but sounded like he practiced a certain voice for tonight.
Can you buy a new car with an additional $3,600?
Obama is against the Medicare Drug Program? He's against the Afghan War?
this is just like watching Fox news.
finny, are you gonna sell ad time?
Do we really need Jim Leher to summarize the president's comments?
@Finn dAbuzz,
Better Jim Lehrer than Bill O'Reilly.
Paying for new schoolbooks is going grow the economy?
@Lustig Andrei,
That doesn't answer the question, does it?
Romney likes big bird. im sold
Romney's strategy so far is interesting. It's basically been adopting positions right next to Obama's and taking away the populist attacks on him. Obama looks a bit flustered by how far to the center Romney has tacked for this debate.
@Robert Gentel,
Obama is flustered because he doesn't have a throng of adoring supporters reacting positively to his lies and distortions about Romney's plan.
@Finn dAbuzz,
there's the finn we've grown to know so well.
more bile next time, please...
Does "every" study really support what Obama has to say?
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Obama is flustered because he doesn't have a throng of adoring supporters reacting positively to his lies and distortions about Romney's plan.
Say what you want about lies and distortion, but if you think Obama doesn't have an adoring throng you're either a liar or retarded. I have found that the Internet makes it hard to distinguish between the two.
@Robert Gentel,
Robert Gentel wrote:Romney's strategy so far is interesting. It's basically been adopting positions right next to Obama's and taking away the populist attacks on him.
. . . and how completely he misrepresents his own budget plan.
But people who pay attention to the facts have already made up their mind. I guess that the voters whose votes can be swung by these debates respond to style, not substance. And so far, both candidates are showcasing a presidential style that is boring, but respectable. No bloopers yet. (I'm kind of hoping for one from Mitt Romney.)