Quote:You can keep trying to tug at the heart strings of the readers but it really doesn't help. I'll play along and answer your question. I wouldn't care if my mother had aborted me. Seems odd to say that since I wouldn't even be aware of it.
That wasn't the situation I posited and you damn well know it. That sort of deliberate misreading of my post doesn't help either.
Quote:But I'm sure if she went through with it, she had a good reason to. She wasn't ready to have a child, couldn't afford it, didn't want to bring a child into this crazy world, ect, ect, ect. The reason is her's. No one should have the right to dictate how she should respond.
The unborn kid has no defenders eh? It's a clump of cells.
She should have thought about all that before she allowed somebody who doesn't give a damn about her to shag her gratuitously. She didn't suddenly become not ready to have a child, and suddenly unable to afford it and suddenly realised it is a crazy world at the moment she knew she was pregnant. That would be stretching credulity further than it is usually stretched.
When abortion is openly talked about, approved by the authorities, who all have their names signed on the bottom, a future Dante might note, and recommend, when the little bugger has fought its way through to life, no less, at an inconvenient time, it is obvious that any intelligent person would sometimes wonder if their parents had considered, debated, added up the ******* pros and cons and the argy-bargy and decided to let them live by a vote of 5 to 2.
And if they felt ignorant enough to ask could they rely on a honest answer.
Such as "Yes--we did consider the matter. Your grandparents on your father's side and your father voted with your sister to terminate you. Your mother was undecided because her mothering instinct was at war with what people would think. Your maternal grandparents voted to let you live. Your mother acquiesced, amidst many tears, to the majority vote to make it 5 to 2. She bottled it in the clinic waiting room however and on returning home entire was greeted with tears of joy by her parents who have never spoken to the other lot since except in court when getting £100 a week out of the father. And good enough for him too. So come here and give me a hug my little pride and joy, I'm so proud of you working in the White House."
What on earth would a Darwinian make of the concept of "an inconvenient time"? Same as they would an anal retentive killing a weed that had struggled towards the sun through the crazy paving on the patio. They would only laugh if the anal retentive claimed to be a Darwinian. At the sheer absurdity I mean.