The Nazi's had a problem with the Final Solution--the gas chambers were only one of the methods they used for their mass murder. The used machine guns, tanks, special gas mobiles using engine exhaust gas but in all cases they had a problem--many of the executioners developed human emotions and remorse and committed suicide.
The Reich has a problem. They were losing too many camp guards. So they came up with improved methods of wholesale annialation--new toxic gasses and the showers. As for the survivor who didn't fit in the gas chamber--the one that wasn't shot. It was likely that by then annialation of an individual part wasn't recognized by the industrial murder machine.
BTW bub--the holocaust is a documented event. The piles of shoes, gold teeth, glasses, and jewelry exist. Some of the crematorium and gas chambers structures still exist. As a child I knew several women with the SS applied tattoo's on their arms, for a while when I was younger I worked with a former reichstag engineer who rued his involvement with the use of slave labor (he too eventually committed suicide).
My father, after VJ day was sent to Europe, where he saw the camps. My dad, was never an American of German decent and would never own anything of German origion again.
So yes, the holocaust occurred. The evidence is overwhelming.