HOLOCAUST........ Fact or Fiction?

Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 10:25 pm
@mark noble,
My evidence for the camps are photographs from Dachau in my father's possession. I saw those when I was about ten. He was head of photo for the u s army in wwII, heh, at least somewhat, lest I overstate.

You on the other hand are a piece of incomparable ****.

I have to bow out, I will only get nastier and think that is useless.
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Lustig Andrei
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 10:39 pm
@mark noble,
Is this for real? Or are you trying to pull some kind of ironic crap just to gauge readers' reactions? I cannot believe that any semi-sane person living today -- not even a neo-Nazi or White Supremacist -- could post a statement with the words "with all the evidence now pointing to the holocaust having never taken place" in it. What in hell have you been reading? What "evidence" are you talking about?

This is simply unbelievable.
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mark noble
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 11:16 pm
And I never stated it didn't happen either, just that evidence suggests such. I wasn't there, but, on the other hand, neither were any of you.
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2012 11:28 pm
@mark noble,
And I never stated it didn't happen either, just that evidence suggests such.

What exactly do you want from this discussion?
A bit of fun & games for you?
What's the point of the exercise? Confused
There is clear "evidence" that people believed the world was flat, too.
Would it be a particularly productive or useful exercise to ask people here to prove that it isn't?

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Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 12:05 am
@mark noble,
You wanted "nothing" from this discussion.
Even though you surely knew that it would be deeply offensive to many people?

Is my shock at what is clearly disturbing if true and the wanting to debate that potential with others wrong?

Your "shock".
Exactly what is "clearly disturbing if true"?

If so, please close this thread.

You need to explain your purpose better than this.
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Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 12:21 am
@mark noble,
my shock?

Because you said:
Is my shock at what is clearly disturbing if true and the wanting to debate that potential with others wrong?

Anyway, Mark, to cut a potentially long & pointless discussion really short, may I ask you this simple question:

Are you a holocaust denier now ?

Yes or no?

Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 12:22 am
Setanta wrote:
As for "a complete lack of evidence," you must be on drugs.
What a fuckin' putz . . .
That seems quite polite.

I've recently finished the researches for a biography of the husband of a distant relative, under whose command ten thousands were killed in the Ukraine. And we are staying just now only a few miles away from Sachsenhausen ...

I would use different for such, if it wasn't early Sunday morning here and my wife's birthday ...
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Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 12:40 am
@mark noble,

Well that's something, at least.

I am not, but having read what I read over and over these past few days, am bewildered by what is clearly stating to the contrary of my prior absolutes.
All I have tendered is as I have read... Not my determinations, but those of scientists and those well versed in their particular fields.

The event is very close to us brits ms and the prospect of it having the potential to be false, indeed shocking.

Could you supply a list of the links to those articles you've read over the past few days?
They must have been something! Wink

I'd be really interested in reading them myself.
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mark noble
Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 01:11 am
@mark noble,
the 2nd is more concise.
Reply Sun 12 Aug, 2012 01:22 am
@mark noble,
Two of your links didn't work. But never mind.
But an article like this one is enough to make you seriously question the Holocaust?
All I can say is that you are very, very easily swayed!

Within five minutes, any intelligent, open-minded person can be convinced that the Holocaust gassings of World War II are a profitable hoax. .....

Is the Holocaust a Hoax?"

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