McGentrix wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
They don't hate the poor, and they don't want to eradicate them. Indeed, the opposite: there's no noble class without serfs to support it. Republicans want to GROW the number of poor folks, or at the very least, maintain them sufficiently to keep the game going.
Not true at all. Republicans want every poor person to become a rich person so they can all go yachting together or some other exclusive activity.
I think this is absolutely and totally untrue. You're describing equality of outcome, the very thing that Republicans rail against constantly and accuse the Dems of trying to institute via various socialist policies.
uh, no. That's not what I am describing at all. I am describing the American dream of having the opportunity to achieve through hard work, dedication, perseverance and little bit of luck. It's quite possible to become a wealthy individual if you put the effort into it. I've seen it happen.
But that's not what you said. You said,
Quote:Republicans want every poor person to become a rich person so they can all go yachting together
Clearly, this isn't compatible with what Republicans truly want. Perhaps you simply mis-spoke.
Quote:Quote:Quote:Unlike the Democrats who love the poor so much that they want everyone to be poor so they can buy their votes with SSI and handouts.
Quick quiz for you, McG. Which party is responsible for the largest deductions and credits the poor can take, to minimize their tax burden or even get a refund in excess of what they paid in? If you say anyone but the GOP, you're totally and completely wrong. The Earned Income Credit (instituted under GOP leadership, expanded greatly by Reagan and Bush younger) and the Child tax Credit (instituted by Clinton, but with a heavy push from the GOP-controlled Legislature, expanded greatly by Bush younger) combine to provide more in handouts to poor folks than ANYTHING the Dems could have imagined. When Conservatives like to throw around the 'half of taxpayers pay no tax' line, they conveniently forget that these two policies that they pushed for are the reason for this.
So, in short, you're full of ****. The GOP buys votes from the poor using tax policy, on a regular basis.
So, let me get this straight... Give poor people a break by giving them a child tax credit (which I have been in love with since it's inception and one of the reasons I'll hate it if the Bush tax cuts go away) and give them an EIC to help pay their bills as they try to make a go of it... yet the way you make it seem, that's a bad thing. Thanks for proving that the GOP is not just a bunch of ogres out for the blood of the poor folk. Giving them a leg up is not pushing them down and keeping them poor, nor is it buying their votes.
Hey, why is it that helping the poor out is a bad thing and 'buying votes' when the Dems do it, but when the GOP puts those policies in place, you're all for it?? Why is it 'giving them a leg up' when it is your side doing it?
I think the answer very clearly here is that your descriptions and beliefs on these matters are a function of pre-existing political bias, most likely stemming from a sense of tribalism that infects our current politics; not from a sober assessment of which policies actually lead to certain results.
Quote:I don't think you have a good grasp on Republican values. You seem to be blinded by the rhetoric of the extremists.
Your extremists DEFINE your values, McG. Because the rest of you never contradict them and never argue against them, let alone slap them down. The Tea Party has cowed your leadership completely, into letting the extremists define the agenda. Just look at the debt ceiling debate last year, in which your extremists successfully manipulated the situation to almost crash the whole ship. Not much opprobrium was directed their way from ANY of the Republicans on this board or any of the elected members of the GOP; so, please. Your account is not credible, that there's some sort of centrist GOP group out there running the show.
Quote:It's about reducing the deficit by cutting spending. The country gets enough money in taxes to pay the bills if congress would stop spending what they don't have. Obama and Congress are both equally at blame for out of control spending. You can't keep blaming Bush anymore.
Oh, but I can. And not just me, but the entire country can - and does. Take a gander at polling as to who is responsible for the economic downturn and our country's fiscal woes and you'll consistently find 60%+ of people blame the GOP and Bush specifically.
The fact is that the country doesn't get enough money in taxes, in large part because the GOP - with the assistance of big-business Dems - managed to slash them to the bone, to the point where tax rates are historically low. They've literally never been this low in any of our lifetimes. So, the idea that tax rates are 'high enough already' is nothing more than a fantasy pushed by those who would rather see the country crash and burn than pay another dime personally. There's a word to describe that....