You know why I love you edgar?
Because you're so predictable.
Like Rockhead you enjoy throwing darts at me until one in return pricks your thin skin; and then it's "**** off!"
Pardon me ed but "I've not yet begun to fight!" seems to imply that it will make a difference when you do.
Of course it won't at all here in Texas, but then maybe when you finally decide to enter the fray with all your might (emboldened from afar by snood), you just may be able to transfer your loathing of your home state to a few of your neighbors; taking the Texas out of your fellow Texans so to say.
I bet if you write to the Obama Campaign, they will make you the Texas Captain of the re-election endeavor.
To think, all it took to move you from a principled progressive stand to the ranks of O-Cheerleaders was a flimsy assurance that Obama is going to take the Bush tax cuts away from The Rich.
I didn't realize you were such a Class Warrior edgar.
I thought maybe that your conversion might require an assurance that Obama would stop playing God with drones or pull back, tomorrow, all troops from Afghanistan.
Or at least that he would forgo taking millions in campaign contributions from The Rich you so despise, close Gitmo, and pledge his second term to engineering a Single Payer Health Care System.
At least you might have made the price of your volunteering to serve in the O-Army his making good on his promise to bankrupt the coal industry, let alone stop the rising of the seas.
Your zeal comes pretty cheap edgar, and it's price is steeped in envy.