CalamityJane wrote:
Quote:Realizing the guy, in the normal scheme of things would be dropping a good amount of money on a first date for dinner/movie/clubbing whatever else, why not just agree "Give me that money, we'll have good sex and we both have benefited."
I think if a woman is truly inclined to act this way, she would succeed to a certain extend if she's a knock0ut, however, I'd almost guarantee she would feel pretty bad the next morning. Having sex with a stranger without any "foreplay" so to speak, is pretty much prostitution.
Going out with a potential mate, having a bite to eat, do small talk and maybe flirt with him, will at least give you the chance to get to know the person and vice versa; it sets a precursor for what will happen next.
Either way, you've had a good meal, good company and feel good about yourself, no matter what the outcome of the night. That's what social
interaction is all about, just taking the money IS indeed prostitution in my book.
Not that there is anything wrong with prostitution, not at all, it should be settled before going on that "date" though.
First, let me say this to ehBeth, mismi, or anyone else who has brought it up.
Yeah, it's prostitutution. So what?
What's wrong intrinsically with being a prostitute? Take out the the well known occupational hazards of today, drug addiction, abusive pimps, and what in the world is wrong with selling sex? Why should someone feel shamed if that's what they do, they don't take drugs, work for themselves or with a group where abuse isn't taking place
Why is there this feeling that the answer should be "Oh it's not really prostitution, because...." Or "yeah, I guess it's prostitution, but only because...."
Yes, it's prostitution. If I were given only 2 choices in life, I'd much prefer to be an honest prostitute who gives good value for the money, then let's say Madoff. But we are all given more than 2 choices, and I'm not going to say one is less worthy than another one.
Anyway, to address cj....I think you're really selling women, and men short. Why would a woman have to be a "knockout" in my scenerio, and why would he have to be a stranger?
What? only knockouts know how to have good sex? A man would be thinking ahead of having sex with his "unknockout" date, and would be willing to shell out money for a shrimp dinner, but wouldn't give her the same money if he didn't get to pay for and eat food that he perhaps didn't want anyway, and was just using it to get to the more pleasurable act of sex.
See, this makes no sense to me.
I'm willing to pay for your dinner, even though we don't have much in common, nothing much to talk about, but I'll spend hours with you pretending.
She's thinking "I'd like to have sex with this guy, but I can't do it unless I spend hours having a so so time, watching a movie I could rent, but I've got to go through this to get to the end.
I don't think 2 people wanting to simply have sex with the other makes either of them amoral, bad, not worthy.
What if you don't want to get to know each other beyond the basics of "I feel safe with you. You're attractive to me. What if you don't want a good meal, small talk, and don't want to flirt?
If you don't, you have to just be alone? Lot's of people get together for casual sex, and money doesn't pass hands.
If that was the initial agreement, that's swell.
I totally don't get why one person gets to have (his) cake and eat it too. When it would be equitable to at least split the money saved.
I seriously don't see the difference between this and someone mentioning to you "I've got this housekeeper that cleans really well, but it's such a pain that I have to make sure she's available when I need her, because my schedule changes, I can't (for whatever reason) leave her a key, and she when I get home she's supposedly leaving, but wants to chat for like an hour even after I paid her. She's nice enough but we don't have much to talk about.
You wouldn't expect the friend to say "I'll clean your house just as well, and you don't have to pay me a dime"
Hell no, the friend would say "Why not pay me instead? I'll do the same job, and you won't have to do that other stuff, because I have a key, and you won't even see me."
Why should the person feel bad in the morning cj? Because she had the sex she was going to have anyway?
She didn't do anything wrong, just had sex.
Sometimes, sex is just sex. Why this pretending?