Some comments from women and mothers that do not agree with your position Firefly that it is a great idea to pressure women into breastfeeding.
I think that Mayor Bloomberg is over stepping his position. I'm a mother of four, 20 year old twin girls, 14 year old boy, and a 23 month old boy. I have breastfeed all my children for varing amonts of time but it was MY personal choice. I believe in the benifits of brestfeeding but if I was harrassed because I didn't make a choice the city's mayor felt was the correct one. Who is he to mandate what a woman is suppose to with their body, he has never had to have his body used as a food source. Some women just can wrap thier heads around the concept, mant becase their Mother's or female role model did not chooses to breastfeed.
Mayor Bloomberg worry about the political world and policies and leave health care to the educated professionals.
Encouraging breastfeeding is oen thing....but to the extent of giving the mother a choice of "we arent feeding your baby formula because you wanted to breastfeed and we've determined youve not put in enough effort to decide otherwise as of yet" and the lecture your going to recieve for electing formula from the start... while I am a breastfeeding mother, if I lived in NYC right now, my next baby would be born either out of state or "accidently" at home.... save me the lecture and the grief...
don't have any issue with banning the corporate swag promoting breastfeeding. Unless things have changed considerably in the last 8 years, there's a lot of contact from the formula companies during pregnancy promoting their products. However, the rest is unnecessary and overstepping. Locking up the formula? Documenting a "medical reason" for it's distribution? Forcing moms to sit through a lecture on why they should breastfeed every time they're given formula while their newborn is sitting there hungry and crying? Who in the world thought this guy was a good idea??
It's a woman's choice as to what she wants to do with her body. I tried to breast feed, but my body could not produce enough to keep up with my son. Also, being a teacher, my job did not offer the flexibility or privacy to pump in private to continue to breast feed. Please be sensitive with your comments and do not pass judgement on mothers that choose not to breast feed. You do not necessarily know their reasons for not doing so. If Bloomberg is going to go that far, he might as well make sure everyone who buys cigarettes gets a lecture! That is obviously way worse to do to your body and to others around you with second hand smoke!