Judge strikes down NYC sugary-drinks limit
Laura Petrecca, USA TODAY4:09p.m. EDT March 11, 2013
Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to limit New Yorkers' sugar consumption, but his ban on large drinks -- set to take effect Tuesday -- was put on hold by a state judge.
(Photo: Mario Tama, Getty Images)
Ban on over-16-ounce drinks was set to take effect Tuesday
Mayor Bloomberg called it "portion control"
A judge said loopholes defeated the purpose
A New York State judge has halted the controversial New York City ban on large sugary drinks.
The ban was set to take effect Tuesday.
It would put a 16-ounce cap on sweetened bottled drinks and fountain beverages sold at city restaurants, delis, movie theaters, sports venues and street carts. The size limit applies to beverages that have more than 25 calories per 8 ounces. It doesn't include 100% juice drinks or beverages with more than 50% milk.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been going full force with his efforts to show the detriments of sugary drinks. On Monday, he released data that showed a correlation between sugary drink consumption and obesity.
On Sunday, Bloomberg defended the regulation. "We're not banning anything," he said on CBS' Face the Nation. "It's called portion control."
"All we're doing in New York is reminding you that it's not in your interest to have too many empty calories," he said. "You can have some. If you want to have 32 ounces, just buy two 16-ounce cups. Take them back to your seat. If you want 64 ounces, take four cups back."
But on Monday, a judge said no.
Manhattan state Supreme Court Justice Milton Tingling wrote that loopholes "effectively defeat the stated purpose" of the rule.