The comedy of the Health Bucks is multilayered.
First off he wants it because the fresh fruits and veggies aren't sold much in the poorer neighborhoods. Well, okay, but that still doesn't address how the people he is trying to help are going to get to the locations of these farmer's markets. Is he planning a bus that will go from 130th Street down to Union Square or some form of subsidized transit...discount metrocard for example.
The fact is many of the people he wants to help just aren't able to, for mostly financial reasons, able to travel to the places where these markets are.
Then of course the comedy ensued the day after he made the proposal of health bucks because he wants to encourage better eating. He appeared at the weigh in and introductions for the annual Coney Island/Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest. When questioned he said he likes hot dogs. Um, okay but what about the health factor?
Same as when he put up a soda restriction and followed it by shoving donuts in his yapper on Donut Day which was that very same week.
He is nothing but a 2 faced phony. If he really believes in the health aspects, then don't stand up there endorsing donut day or hot dog contests.
Then again, what can else we expect of the mealymouthed baby who has to have people wipe his mouth.
(wonder how much fat and sodium is in that slice he's scarfing down)