8 Months on and I don't know 90% of you..
When I first joined, I was dissed for an opinion on what I would call a "help" thread... I thought about it.. If I was a weak person, I'd have left.. Being strong, I just replied "hey is that how you treat a newby? " Spelt wrong...

That person, bless her is a real sweety... I think it rubs off, you know? Each other thread I read, was putting people down... New threads about relationships or the likes, which I know most of you aren't that interested in, got laughed at... It took me a while to adjust and accept each person...just the way they are. But, this thread questions the why is that so? The nastiness?
Even Hawkeye .. Regardless I see wisdom and a sense of understanding on things but then I see, "attraction" not with him (haha) but to certain topics and he won't let go until he's done... I admire that in all of you as alot of you do that. But, that to means there is reason and logic, as well as belief in what you are typing out... As with me.
But still, if I was weak, when Hawkeye has attacked me, very rare, I'd run.. But, I am not..
I wonder therefore, in-other-words if the attacking really is worth it?
I see it between long term members.. And, I wonder can that be good for anyone? Opinions are just that aren't they? I admit I've done it to Bill but I've stopped because otherwise I am a pawn in this too... But, doesn't mean I won't "respectfully" disagree.
There should be more laughter, I do that in the threads... It is what adds to my day... Too much negativety makes you feel aweful.
Hey Dutchy, keep getting better you always stayed away from negative, and just stayed with fun
I'm starting to get to know quite a few here now and I feel great.. I like this place.. It's diverse. It accepts who you are once you are a "player" and I just feel people should open their thoughts more.. To welcoming... I HATE politics so I am lucky
Anyways I am glad I found this place... And, I am grateful to those I am starting to get to know that they are letting me do so, as well as I look forward to getting to know the rest.. Ulitimately, it's such a diverse Forum.. that the debates are going to get out of hand... If only, though people think oh, opinion...That's mine, that's his... And don't start with all the carp that fills the pages with negative put downs.. I get what you are saying.
I am saying all of this because I am newish... But, maybe those that are new that are a tad shocked at the way they are accepted walk... Not all are strong enough to hang in there and get to know the wonderful people here, and there are so many...