Quote:Losses of people like Dys, Cav, lightWiz, mary...and others ....
Yes, very sorely missed ... the injection of not-too-be-taken-too-seriously fun, humour & wit into discussions. I wish they could still be here. And more A2Kers like them.
I also miss:
2packsaday & his long, funny stories.
Clary's travel writings.
Nimh's political insights. And his charts!
RJB's wonderful, gentle & detailed tales of his life experiences.
Noddy's wisdom.
Dadpad's spontaneous what-the-heck posts.
Endy's poetry.
Stories the prince's love life.
More/or even
some input from thoughtful posters like squinney, dag, littlek, Francis & so many other defectors to FaceBook , or elsewhere.
.. to name just a few ....
But in response to farmer's question, in my opinion it's not so much that discussions & debates of the more "contentious" issues are nastier ... it's that fewer people are actually participating ..... most of whom can confidently predict each other's other's respective "positions" from the word go ....
So often the discussion becomes personal, rather than the intended exchange of ideas.
And all to often a reasonably interesting discussion is taken over/hijacked by the same old posters .... those who relentlessly push their same old tired agendas, no matter what the subject is. You know who I mean.

Which, of course, leads to glazed-over eyes from the rest of us.
We need an injection of lots more new blood!
But, if a was a newbie these days, I'd find entering such an established fray somewhat intimidating, that's for sure!