I definately have lots of inside info on company B - I know many people who work there/have worked there. One reason I got the offer so quick with them is I had so many people at various levels give great feedback on me. I've also in reverse gotten info on some of the people I'd be working with and for. Not to mention the company as a whole.
Company A - because people tend not to leave there - I have not found anyone I know there. I have found that such and such person knows this person though just on my last interview so I hope to reach out and see their impression. Company A is also (if you haven't noticed) much more selective on who they hire, and they do not hire as much or as often - they don't need to so that is why you tend not to know so many people from that company - often times people get hired there and they do not leave.
I was ticked a little, but I was also warned about their thoroughness. And yes I have been told about their collaberative atsmosphere in that to make a certain change, yes, they do get more people involved. Although as they only hire professional people - getting vacation signoff isn't so difficult.
In my industry there are two groupings of companies those that serve and those that receive the service in a sense. Those that receive the service typically are the better places to work. Those that tend to do the serving tend to be more burn out companies - larger quantity of work - we define them as sweat shops.
In this situation Company B serves; Company A receives Company B's service. If you are following at all - As far as the servicing companies go - Company B is one of the better ones - they are trying to do things to make the work life situation better for people so I do give them kudos.
On the flip side Company A is on the receipt of getting service AND has one of the best reputations to work for.
I currently work for a company that is on the getting service side of things - I've worked in both previously and to be honest from my experience being on this side of things has been a better experience for me.