Women's rights being eroded by republicans

Fri 27 May, 2022 12:55 pm
I didn't know that Bulma was a sex fiend.
0 Replies
Fri 27 May, 2022 07:35 pm
Planned parenthood has been giving illegal abortions for years. Planned parenthood should not be given any funds, claiming to be about womens rights when in reality they are for themselves or even run by selfish people.

Abortion has nothing to do with womens rights at all. Womens rights was the ability to vote, own property, have rights to her children, not be abused so much, and men should provide via a trust ( which any spouse can open up for their kids and benifit them when they are old enough to gain access to it ) or even by force via child-support / lump-sum ( which is only allowed under specific circumstances. Like your married and your childishly using your children rights to insurance or even your wife ability to function against her ).

I am going to be honest. Most ideal women ad-here to "being under him" or "being for him" realizing their ideal man is not going to come anytime soon and they should either mold a man, and be happy with him the way he is or even allow him to mold her.

That being said some women will even go the mile to get abortions "for him" as well accept even if the person they sleep with is racist. To even defying their parents to be with him, and allowing him to carry on childishly like some dog on rabbees.

The right thing for women to do is say "I am going to give birth to this child, and emancipate the kid after breast-feeding is over and put em up for adoption if you are unwilling to be married to me and be in our live". That is it. If the loser who shot 100cc of liquid life into her womb is unwilling to be a life partner at least then off to the orphanage.

Women needs to take control over their wombs and see it no different then a penis. Realize "She has the same amount of rights and ability as any guy" and she should not be afraid to be a baby maker and provide kids for the orphanage or adoption agencies.

Another problem with women is inability to understand the control they have over their pregnant bodies. Men will literally use violent threats or do anything via power of command. Even battery, to violent behavior to get her to have an abortion and she will just accept to "kill it". Men will use violent behavior to get her to mother the kids rather then emancipate and put into the adoption clinic and possible give her more kids wanted or not. She will see it as normal.

The law has the ability to protect these pregnant people and allow them to do as they please so that the child will be born even if she plans to emancipate and put up for adoption.

This is the way it needs to be. It is not a women's right to fight for abortion but rights of men who do not want to be responsible.

Abortion was made for
1. killing the child because it was too dark, not of the same race, or religion.
2. allowing women to continue to be whores, call-girls, prostitutes, ladies of the night, or whatever. You look at the numbers you will see them add-up along with that mentality. People might be flapping to XXX material but a good chance abortions followed those activities.

The truth ( when it comes to being normal ) most women who have abortions are doing it for the wrong reasons and usually under men powers.

Yes there are needs for abortions to be practiced in medicine. However the same could be said about raising test-tube babies ( which I am sure is more then possible with a false-womb ). We could "remove the fetus" and raise it, and let uncle-sam be the parent for all I care.

We do not even need abortion to harvest stem-cells. The production of plastic cells to even cells PRINTED from special bio-material could actually work-out. Abortion is a technology of the past, we need to look for the future and save every one.


I am against a pregnant persons choice of not having children ? No. I am against the notion that abortion has anything to do with womens-right. It was invented and used for wrong reasons outside of medical purposes. Even aborted children could be grown and raised in test-tubes ( false wombs ). We can grow and manufacture stem cells.

Stop it just stop it. Wake up and realize the truth.
You or me could have been on that chopping block ( like "Dumplings" ).
You truly believe that then you believe in self-annihilation
Fri 27 May, 2022 09:06 pm
Just shut up.

You have full body autonomy and yet do not will not see the wisdom for others to have it as well.

You do not have anybody telling YOU what you can or cannot do with your own bodily functions. Until that right is thwarted against you, you have no idea what you're even spewing.
Sat 28 May, 2022 03:52 pm
I knew I am going to met with that bs.

It is not about womens bodies, and what she can do with her body. That is the argument they are using.

We should be trying to get women to be men about being pregnant. When a guy make sex with a gal. For every single male-gamete he has could get somebody pregnant via their ova ( female gamete ) or Some guys will talk a gal down ( like talking down somebody from jumping off a roof ) into getting an abortion for some sorta reason. The point is that if you know you could get somebody pregnant in the process then you should not do it with her. The bigger truth is that most ladies will just take it, their minds go into ____ mode and being pregnant makes more sense and go along with the ups and downs of it.

Women/girls/females/gals/ladies should be pushed into having children to give the person an opportunity to marry her, and or be in her life as number one and or just emancipate and put the kid into the orphanage adoption pool.

That is what makes her have equal ground.
That is what I will tell my daughters. If he is not going to be with you their is no point of holding on to his children. If he is going to pop baby, baby, baby out with other girls from left to right, then you should abandon being the
mother of any of his children. It is the ruination that a man does not want to be responsible for the business of child bearing. It is the reason why we have messed up separation of sexes laws.

No matter who invented abortion or it's original usage. The reality looking into history even the royals clearly used tactics not to get pregnant in order to have sex, being so abortion was used in terms of religion, and racism.

Not going to re-write what I wrote, but it has a long history that has damaged our world.

I am for shot-gun weddings.
I am for forcing people to make TRUSTS or even provide child-support without government stepping in.
I am for jailing adulterers who complicates a persons marriage despite them being so naive in the first place.
I say "why don't you leave _____ person first instead of being a coward looking at you home called a storage"

We need to look at the bigger problem. People who do this business called marriage and play it like a joke. Drag people out for a wedding and then step-out-of-line. People who make children and is not realizing it is a business your creating.

Why have children ? So you have somebody to carry you when your old, so when all your workers gang up against your tired self you have somebody to defend you that you do not have to pay. To carry on your DNA to the next generation.

We are not robots.
We are not animals to be eaten.
We are human beings.

Everybody was on the chopping block. If anybody promotes abortion why not abort themselves and ask. What if ? what would it be like not to be alive ?

The world is not over-populated. The land is not being managed.
Sat 28 May, 2022 05:05 pm
PoliteMight wrote:

I knew I am going to met with that bs.

It is not about womens bodies, and what she can do with her body. That is the argument they are using.

You are correct, it's not JUST about women's bodies. It's about EVERY body.

You spew bs to your core.
Sat 28 May, 2022 06:44 pm
See can you actually make a sentence without being verbal abusive ?

Think about it like this. Imagine the scenario where the
guy say do abortion.
The parents of her say do abortion.
Her friends say do abortion.
Her family say do abortion.

When it is her choice ?


Let me say this about choice. I have a cousin who was taken advantage of by somebody via ( not my side of the family ). Instead of her parents staying close to her, and taking her home, they left her inside the charge of the state. She spent years on all kinds of drugs, prescriptions. Like the same kind that makes you want to go on a school shooting or commit suicide. She tried to escape the hospital being in her late twenties. They lock-down the staff until one of them came forward, and found her having sex with two guys. Point being I met her, and honestly the amount of neglect from her parents, the state, hospital staff. Over 20-30 years of her life burnt away being held hostage by the state. Tax dollars burnt with no K-12 education and no ability to do college, or any kind of employment. Now she is in some kind of religious convent.

The way I see things she was normal and if my grandmother and her sister at 12-14 could have children, go to college, get married, have a job, and own property via their own money. My aunt survived by her children she had when she was 16, and not the one who she had later in life that was my age. My aunt is gone due to cancer and my cousin like a brother is not on this Earth. Only her child from 16 survives with her memory and name. My mom had me ( married ) when she 17-18, my dad gave her 5 years of togetherness and even afterwards 20 years working with her. I ask myself. My mom is not a person who is trying to preserve herself, but the point being out of all the men in her life my father was probably the best. None of these women I mention sleeps around nor do they get around or have been married to multiple partners, or dated beyond being married. I could even go far back as my own mother, mother who had a bunch of guys children, point being I would have not met any of my uncles, aunts, or anybody from her side at all. They lead decent lives and the only one that was ever violent was the housewife who is one of my aunt. Same with my father and his brothers, and cousins. Great men and if anything society took advantage of them.

Why is it my cousin who is 20-30 can not ?
Where is her life gone ? She was normal, and those state funded medical people did nothing to get her back on the track aside using her as an example for separation of sex laws.

Again abortion has nothing to do with womens rights. That is the icing on the cake.

People want to keep it around because every new citizen has a right to medical when they are babies to when they are old, to other social securities.

People want to keep it around so they could keep on killing due to religion, race, or culture.

People want abortion so they could continue to be selfish.

Imagine all the people we have lost due to abortion. I mean great suckie-fakie discount for $20. Oops I have to get an abortion, look they pay me this much money for my fetus donation. Great more cash for me.

That is what is keeping abortion alive across the globe. Has nothing to do with womens bodies, unless you consider them to be vibrators for guys
Sat 28 May, 2022 08:16 pm
Well, that was an interesting read. You've done so well coming from such a fine group of malcontents.
0 Replies
Sat 28 May, 2022 09:39 pm
You seem to think body autonomy ONLY applies to a women's right to abortion. That's uneducated and short sighted.

Body autonomy applies to every one, any one who chooses their own way for their life. It may or may not be due to religious, scientific, moral, physical or emotional reasons that have no bearing on anybody's life but their own.

Why you continue to spew garbage about abortion is bewildering. It's like you have no other thought process than you think your thoughts are the only thing that matters.

Although you do have a right to your opinion, the issue of legislation against other people's body autonomy is wrong and cannot be tolerated.

Please stop. Your ignorance is tiresome. If you had some sort of valid basis for your opinion, that would be a refreshing change from the incoherent nonsense you continue to post.

Please take the time to be better than this.
Sat 28 May, 2022 09:46 pm
He's just hoping to irritate people, chances are that women never notice him at all and see his views as yawn-worthy. Personally, I think he is just yearning for attention.....it's a little sad, ain't it?
Sun 29 May, 2022 12:42 am
A little?
0 Replies
Sun 29 May, 2022 04:46 am
You start off being verbal abusive because I am not using terms to suite your desire. That being said your playing these "lawyernese card" dancing with your words instead of actually providing real life scenarios.

Somebody might have sex, and it was forced but they could not careless because they enjoyed it or just decided to try it whether or not they have any understanding of it at all, they did it.

Then they get pregnant and instead of being welcome with "Well you and the guy should get married" to even "be blessed and happy for the child". You get the guy or family or some confused nutjob pushing abortion on the same person.

The process could repeat itself over and over. Sex, sex, sex, abortion, abortion, abortion until she is unable to have any children, converts to LGBT, or even have a house land on her. All those moments despite any gain of income she is left without spouse or child and passes a way like a robot used for manual labor or a fun-ride.

You love abortion so much why not jump off the golden gate bridge. You was put on this earth for a reason. Not just the result of the fruit of sex between your parents. You have purpose. We take all the pro abortionists and give them cyanide pills, with a booklet that reads

"Here solution to end abortion rights argument"

Let me tell you something. The Han Chinese Empire is real. They are allowing for more then one child per birth in China and many come over and make kids like rabbits. It is a an invasion. When one westerner gets an abortion, gets locked up for nothing, or does not go for income, it is a victory for them.
Sun 29 May, 2022 05:04 am
Real life scenarios for body autonomy is beyond your comprehension, but I'll try.

A trisomy 21 person who does not want to be legally forced into sterilization.

A Stage 4 cancer patient cannot legally end their own pain and suffering.

A person cannot legally amputate a deformed external limb to be fitted for robotics.

All these scenarios have nothing to sex or abortion. Again, you lack knowledge on the topic of body autonomy. Please stop your incoherent nonsense.

Sun 29 May, 2022 01:41 pm
Real life scenarios for body autonomy is beyond your comprehension, but I'll try.

Once again you start off being verbal abusive. Is this some kind of sign for help ? Do you have so much pent up frustration that it is coming out as short-sighted anger ? Maybe your brainwashed ? IDK ?

Sterilization like how ethopian Jews ( or most minorities not light or white enough in Zionist Israel ) being sterilized without knowing thinking it is just a check-up or procedure, or drug.

Point I am making is that men, guys, who are mostly white, European, or somehow fit that build have built a lie via womans rights claiming it is for the better.

Let me tell you something about wealth. You have girls who are in bed with _____ guy who makes hundreds and thousands of dollars. They sleep around and the reality she probably gets abortions ( like Queen Elizabeth the first who had many boyfriends ). Most of these women are white, or in wealth in itself, no matter what religious background. THEY DO NOT CARE. They have their own business and image making themselves look beautiful or some kind of idol or figure of importance, to continue to use feminism not for the sake of womens-rights or individualism just to get their image, name, and ideas stamped into peoples heads. They want to be on every mans wall, they want every kind of flavor of dick, tom, Jerry, inside of their mouths, and wombs, and they do not care. Money money money money money and if not looking life if they are worth anything at all when they are worth nothing. You see them being paraded in front of you or within their circles of veiwpoint.

Feminism and womans-rights is a crutch. That women who are born into lives that cares little or nothing about anything at all use to disrupt and control other women who are lesser then them. From children, to young adults, and even continuing adults into the grave.

Abortion is not a right it is an act of murdering. You might as well commit suicide for all I care because their will be one less person on the planet and sooner or later we could just say

"Suicide dont do it"

Money for abortion rights could be going to anti-suicidal funds, or even fixing the mentality of method of thinking of school shooters, political shooters, and solving the problem of lack of work for many men who intend to build families.

NO ..........no no no no we keep this farce in the faces of the innocence confusing them getting them to commit abortion ( murder ). Which causes more issues later in life.

Maybe you would like to go to Britannia or Thailand and open window shop with your legs wide open, and then when time comes go to the local fetus donation bin because according to the international census of abortion it is the usually linked to these nations with high adult entertainment and prostitution. Look at Japan. It claims to have a low-birth rate but the truth they have a high abortion rate. Of course they are only counting those who are only Japanese and not foreigner related.

Checkout Fabio and Hotdog method via cancer. Very interesting read. You have Fabio talking about methods to get rid of cancer not being practiced rather then radiation and out-dated kimo. Then you have a man who made a method by injecting aluminum liquid into cancerous cells and then heating up the area around it ( where the heat will become greater via cancerous area ). DID YOU KNOW CAT SCANS COULD CAUSE CANCER ??? Your getting a super-high dose of radiation on you that very well could promote radiation.

A person can legally apply, and pay for a limb. Like the parents of this ( now young adult ) girl. She has two perfectly operating hands she can take off. It i beautiful. They function and look like regular hands but they are metal and she has fleshly robotic parts. So the answer is yes. Yes you can legally augment your body parts or have it repaired, and your medical insurance could cover part of it.

Incoherent ? your the one living in doubt and non-reality. Your the one who needs to wake up and realize the world has possibilities and hope for a greater, wiser, and beautiful tomorrow.

Again my aunt survived by her daughter she had when she was 16. Not her son who she had later of my same age. She had cancer at age 50 and he was not even 25. This is recent. Thank god she did not have to witness her son passing. Her daughter continues her line.

Sun 29 May, 2022 08:33 pm
Please stop the incoherent nonsense. Nothing you've said is accurate, truthful, legal or moral. Please stop.
Mon 30 May, 2022 01:36 pm
You know what I wrote is the truth.

It is accurate that most abortions are not of her decision itself ( as with most womens lives ).
It is truthful that people even have memories of being inside of the womb.
It is legal that a woman could give birth, breast feed, go to Mister Jhonny Apple Seed and tell him "You are going to marry me or take this kid. If not this child is going straight to the adoption agency where I will emancipate the kid before hand, and will be property of the state".
It is moral the ability of a woman voting, right to property, right to her children, right to her privacy, right not to be beaten, behind closed doors ( as with "Honey Mooners" or even "Lucy show" ), among other rights.... abortion is not one of them.

Yes it is legal but


It is being weaponized in the name of
and when some gal let some guy control her and calls it acceptable.

Mon 30 May, 2022 02:56 pm
There is no truth in any of the incoherent mess of posts you make. Please use "emancipation" correctly next time...

Please stop.
Mon 30 May, 2022 03:15 pm
You talk about equal rights. You can give a child up for adoption. Some states and adoption agencies have an age up to 4 years old.

No more should she have to abort her life because of some guy who refuse to start a family with her. No more should she have to suckered into getting any kind of abortion.

That being said somebody can legally emancipate yourself from his seed. Just remove herself of entire responsibility or knowledge of the baby created.

That is why we have orphanages.

There are tons of parents out there who wants a child because they are unable to give birth or just to be a foster parent. Tons of children who grows up never being adopted.

I had two cousins who parents was insane ( druggies ) and had to go through the foster system. They turned out okay. Both grew up, one is a nurse and lives in an apartment with children of her own, while the other is a married man who is a truck driver with a big family of his own ( more then five kids I think ). He is younger then me. They are good people. The system has proven to work.

We are but a small fragment of the Universe and world itself. Like parts of a cell. Women can have a choice. I could see Jane Apple Seed spreading her legs for all the seeds she can manage and then transplanting her sprouts to uncle-sams care.

The "Men" are not responsible.
The "Men" are not stepping up and doing what needs to be done as men
The "Men" are just blowing cash to get some blow and could careless if they let a couple seeds there or here.

It is time for the ladies to wake up and say "Kiss the clit ring", and the be mistress of her own womb. No longer should she have to be pressured and just let nature take it's course and donate one to Uncle-Sam care.

Besides it is only printed I.O.U.s
Mon 30 May, 2022 07:49 pm
You can believe anything you want.

What cannot be allowed is legislation denying body autonomy.

Tue 31 May, 2022 04:46 pm
We have so many methods that literally are abortion. Back then during the post WWII era into the 1970's we had a problem with people making children and not being responsible. Like AKA why should I have to care? Like I suppose to do _____.

Think about this for five seconds. Over 30-40 years this has been a problem. Why? because the whore known as Gloria Steinem announced to the world about her having an abortion and feels great. Reality the Jewish woman who had tons of "boyfriends" in media market this idea to the Christian public.

If the headlines read "Jew tells Christians across the US to get abortions" then she would have been laughed at. Her work was funded by the CIA and the book "Black be feminist" ( womanism guide ) was written by the CIA promoted using a black college professor and then marketed in her whore funded magazine.

Ignoring Europeans ( white people ) which consist of %77 percent not counting the ___Latino/Hispanic division of the entire US population.
The upper %10 percentage is black people followed by Latino/Hispanic, and finally via %5 Asian, and various Others.

We tell people to get abortions. We are telling those Non-white people to further delete themselves.

We have lgbt ( Homosexuals, Lesbians )
We have people in jail
We have people who are not making income or any independent living at all.
We have uneducated people with no Associates, Bachelors, or Masters, etc.
We have people who are homeless.

Take those numbers the reality is that we are lacking in a huge percent that is MIA ( missing in action )

I say before we promote abortion we need to level up the playing field of the population. We have tons of land that could be used to house people but instead we market the idea of making prison like apartment complexes. Ghettoburgs, with people who lives are not going anywhere at all.

You want abortion I just listed the many routes. That being said I see the list I made

lack of independence

ALL ARE EQUAL TO ABORTION. THAT IS WHAT ABORTION IS BASICALLY. You limit somebody in life and prevent them from reaching further ( by which reproducing more frequently ).
Tue 31 May, 2022 11:30 pm
I believe that women should only get an abortion if they have a good reason, like if they're pregnant and don't want to be.

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