You absolutely should, not probably, post exactly what you're parroting from someone else as your criteria for war criminality, and not expect someone to infer or assume something else merely from a link that you supply. You already show your lack of original thought by attempting to quote a cut and paste job as your criteria. You betray your inanity when you can't even cut and paste precisely what it is that you're basing your criteria on.
And then to complete the total irrationality of your argument, you undermine your very criteria of war criminality, the Nuremburg and Tokyo Trials, by condemning them and dismissing them as farces--well, Chomsky dismisses them at farces, you merely parrot his words without giving thought to the contradictions they present in the argument you're attempting to make, especially when you bring up the US' "deals with the devil" as regards these trials.
Yeah, Chomsky illustrates the US' hypocrisy in how it defines war criminality, that for the US a war crime is something that the enemy had done but couldn’t show--during the Nuremburg and Tokyo Trials--that we had done it. That's one thing, another thing is his condemnation of US Presidents as war criminals based on his own poorly reasoned, and contradictory criteria that you thoughtlessly repeat.