Quote:Sorry not true as I called the lawyer at once when I was serve and where do you come up with this nonsense claimed of what I did or did not do 30 years ago?
Perhaps because
you said you forgot "the detail" that said you had to request a court hearing to challenge the protective order
within a certain time period....
This is what you said:
Quote:Oh no court hearing as on the order or a letter that came with the order I forgotten that detail it stated that I would had needed to call the court clerk and request a court hearing to challenge the order within a certain time period.
Meaning you never scheduled that hearing because you "forgot" that you had to do it before a deadline.
Is that your position that it is the victim fault for marrying an abuser ....
You think it's a woman's fault if she gets drunk and a man rapes her. So, you're the one who thinks it's the victim's fault for putting herself in harms way--for putting herself in a position where a man could rape her.
But now, because you married someone who apparently had all sorts of very serious problems, that you somehow managed not to be aware of until you said, "I do", you suddenly see yourself as the poor victim of an abuser.
Well, by your own reasoning, you're at least as much at fault as a college girl who gets drunk and gets raped by a man in a frathouse bedroom. You went into a marriage apparently blind to what was doing with the person you married, completely blind--sort of like when a woman is blind drunk--except you weren't drunk the entire time you were going out with this woman (or were you?

), you weren't physically impaired and vulnerable, the way that drunk college woman would be before she got raped, you weren't forced into marriage, the way that drunk college woman might be forced into sex because she lacks the capacity to resist. You foolishly married a woman you apparently didn't know at all, but she knew you were dumb, and she took advantage of your dumbness and used you.
Being that dumb and blind in a relationship, and being that dumb and blind about the person you are marrying, is a much bigger lapse in judgment than a coed who gets drunk at a party and winds up getting raped that night. But, you've repeatedly made it clear you don't see that woman as a rape victim, or the man who rapes her as an abuser. Well, buddy, then you're not a victim either, by your own logic.
You got used by your ex-wife, just the way that drunk college girl gets used for sex by the guy who rapes her, except you have a double standard when it comes to looking at these situations, you see that drunk coed as responsible for what happened to her, but, when it comes to you, you see yourself as some poor innocent victim because you don't see yourself as responsible for your
own lousy errors in judgment, or your
own failures in properly appraising the personality and character of the person you were marrying.
You persist in denying that other people, particularly women, are harmed and victimized by sexual assaults, insisting that most of them should not even be believed when they lodge criminal complaints of rape. You deny children are being harmed and victimized when pedophiles possess and view their sexualized images, violate their privacy, and keep the child pornography industry thriving--you don't even think these people should go to jail. But, because you married someone, apparently while completely blind to her serious personality, character, and drug abuse problems, and almost immediately got used and taken advantage of by her, you whip out the victim card and wimper about how badly
you were abused. Well, you married her...and you were over 30 at the time you married her, so you were old enough to know what you were getting into, you weren't exactly a babe in the woods.
When you can evidence some genuine awareness of how others, particularly the children depicted in child pornography, are victimized and exploited, including by those who possess, and collect, and view, their images, you might have some true understanding of what real victimization is all about.