Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Mon 28 Nov, 2011 12:56 am
Yes that hit me to as the law as written it does not matter a bit the reason you produce or have child porn so the passenger with the camera should be charge.
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 01:06 am
BillRM wrote:
Yes that hit me to as the law as written it does not matter a bit the reason
you produce or have child porn so the passenger with the camera should be charge.
I have not seen the federal statute for a while, but I think that producing child porn
is probably a more severe infraction than looking at it.
(I 'm not sure that my memory is accurate about that tho.)
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 01:10 am
The minimum sentence is four years for just the child porn so it does not seem all that important point if producing it carry a greater sentence.

Of course some judges are refusing to follow congress minimum sentencing law for this crime.
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 01:20 am
BillRM wrote:
The minimum sentence is four years for just the child porn so it does not seem all that important point
if producing it carry a greater sentence.
It woud, if the sentence for producing it
is significantly greater than for just looking at a picture.

What do u think of criminal sentences based on HATING ?

BillRM wrote:
Of course some judges are refusing to follow congress minimum sentencing law for this crime.
Presumably, the US Attorney 'd appeal the sentence.

I knew a fellow in Upstate NY who went to jail for a while
because some nude pictures of his daughter were found.
He said that the children were playing with the camera
having some partially unused film left in it.
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 03:47 am
Bill seems very au fais with the child pornography laws. There's no need to wonder why that is. This is a man who goes on in masturbatory detail about an eight year old girl in the shower.

His main problem with this topic isn't that the businessman was watching child porn, but it was his own children, as if, like the Al Qaida mullahs children are the property of their parents and they can do what they want to them. He talks about the need for children to have sex role models, and worries about the police finding child pornography in his video collection. He spent an incredible amount of time trying to groom Gracie until she told him where to get off. If those aren't the actions of a paedophile I'm Uncle Sam.
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 04:53 am
izzythepush wrote:
Bill seems very au fais with the child pornography laws.
I infer that is French; is it??
I know not French; what does "au fais" mean ?

izzythepush wrote:
There's no need to wonder why that is.
This is a man who goes on in masturbatory detail about an eight year old girl in the shower.

His main problem with this topic isn't that the businessman was watching child porn, but it was his own children, as if,
like the Al Qaida mullahs children are the property of their parents
and they can do what they want to them.
Really? The Japs used to have a philosophy like that too, I understand, even to murdering the kids, within the law.
That was the rationale under sending Elian Gonzalez to live in communist slavery,
merely because his father was a commie, i.e., that he owns Elian like a horse.
Bill implied that commies are better than common drunks.
( In my opinion, nazis and commies are perverted far worse than ordinary drunks.)

The notion that children r the property of their parents is ineffably outrageous.
Under the 13th Amendment, no one can own a human being.

izzythepush wrote:
He talks about the need for children to have sex role models,
Personally, I cannot understand Y anyone woud want a role model.
When I was a kid, for sure, I never asked myself what some other person woud do in any circumstance.
I just tried to figure out what woud work. My mother was an excellent logician.
Her powers of analysis earned my respect. I sought out her counsel.
We kicked around a lot of ideas to choose optimal strategy.
Did u have any role models, Izzy?

izzythepush wrote:
and worries about the police finding child pornography in his video collection.
Really?? Photography of children involved in sexuality?
I 'm not sure what definition is being applied here.

izzythepush wrote:
He spent an incredible amount of time trying to groom Gracie
until she told him where to get off.
I'm SHOCKED. What did he suggest that she do?
I was peripherally aware of a disagreement concerning the wisdom of marriage
in years to come, but I did not know that he tried to get her to do anything of a sexual nature.
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 05:05 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:

izzythepush wrote:
Bill seems very au fais with the child pornography laws.
I infer that is French; is it??
I know not French; what does "au fais" mean ?

It means familiar, up to speed with etc.
Did u have any role models, Izzy?

Yes, specific to various activities. For example as a novelist, William Burroughs, Dashiel Hammett and Raymond Chandler are all my role models.

izzythepush wrote:
and worries about the police finding child pornography in his video collection.
Really?? Photography of children involved in sexuality?
I 'm not sure what definition is being applied here.

He wrote graphically about an 8 year old girl in the shower and worried that other images he had could also contravene laws.
izzythepush wrote:
He spent an incredible amount of time trying to groom Gracie
until she told him where to get off.
I'm SHOCKED. What did he suggest that she do?
I was peripherally aware of a disagreement concerning the wisdom of marriage
in years to come, but I did not know that he tried to get her to do anything of a sexual nature.

I think it's grooming, it's quite subtle, they don't start suggesting sexual activity until they have the confidence of the child. He hadn't got that far yet, I might be wrong on this, but if I am, I'm not alone. Lets not forget he never misses a chance to stick up for the rights of rapists and child abusers. His comments on this thread are a case in point.
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 05:14 am
The state would be on better ground if it defined child porn as depictions of kids being sexual.....the current operating definition is anything that the state imagines might bring pleasure to guys who like kids erotically. If you have lots of pics of underaged girls on your computer fully clothed acting like kids you will find yourself subjected to state agression if you don't have a good explaination for why you have them. That you wank off to pics of little girls is the default..and that is considered to be a crime even though no kids were harmed.
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 05:16 am
That's because the welfare and safety of children should take priority over the rights of sick perverts to abuse them.
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 05:16 am
izzythepush wrote:
Lets not forget he never misses a chance to stick up for the rights of rapists and child abusers.
Rapists (sodomites) and child abusers were among the reasons
for my arming myself with a Smith & Wesson .38 revolver when I was 8,
tho truth be told, the potential of robbers was more in the forefront of my mind.

Mon 28 Nov, 2011 05:22 am
izzythepush wrote:
That's because the welfare and safety of children should take priority
over the rights of sick perverts to abuse them.
Is that a mutually exclusive dichotomy? One or the other ?

Woud we apply that reasoning to robbers and their victims?
0 Replies
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 05:24 am
izzythepush wrote:

That's because the welfare and safety of children should take priority over the rights of sick perverts to abuse them.

That is because it is thoughts and feelings which are being policed, not harm to others. Once you allow the state juistiction over your thoughts anf feelings you are fucked...you have no chance of enjoying the freedom that your more prudent forefathers enjoyed.
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 05:33 am
izzythepush wrote:
That's because the welfare and safety of children should take priority over the rights of sick perverts to abuse them.
hawkeye10 wrote:
That is because it is thoughts and feelings which are being policed, not harm to others. Once you allow the state juistiction over your thoughts anf feelings you are fucked...you have no chance of enjoying the freedom that your more prudent forefathers enjoyed.
How do u decide WHERE to draw the line ??
During the Korean War, we captured a lot of Red Chinese POWs
who had pocket diaries, wherein their commissars required them
them to faithfully record their hourly thoughts. If the commissar
doubted the frankness of the soldier (slave) he 'd be in serious trouble.

I saw a refugee from Red China on TV, who complained that
thay had been commanded not to think of sex; instead, think of the Communist Party, he said.

Being a pessimist is anathema to my nature,
but I simply see no way that humans of the future,
b4 the turn of the next century, will avoid becoming the Borg.
The Borg will think what their leader wants them to THINK.

I will be long dead by then; safely dead.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 05:43 am
The problem with "Zero tolerance" is that it can often lead to these areas where , under a more reasonable approach, would not be considered perving. I have some pictures of our two kids ass naked on rugs that we paid photographers to make portraits that we actually displayed until the kids got of a certain age that the poictures embarrased them. Under a zero tolerance approach, I suppose that my wife and I could be considered child porn purveyors (especially if someone came in and heisted the pix and put em on the web).

The only thing that is perhaps a good thing is that, as the facts come out and the alleged porn perv is found out to have been doing something relatively innocent (like looking at pix of his kids that were arranged on a laptop photo album), he may have grounds for a major suit to regain his reputation.

Ive also been rather critical of these "stings" where some cop drags an unsuspecting individual into buying kiddie porn pr attempts to set up a trysting site for an alleged sex encounter between some guy and an alleged "14 year old" (who is actually a state cop who is "PHISHING".

However, having said that, I dont think that we can give a pass to these guys who engage in trafficking and feeding their sicko hobbies with kiddie porn. It creates a whole fuckin industry nd a market that is based upon exploitation of innocent little kids. ITS A REAL CONCERN, but it requires really compelling evidence, not just mere accusation by a possibly oversensitive airline passenger.

I think, taking it farther afield, that these mothers who exploit their little 6 year old daughters to get dressed up like little hookers and parade them in front of an audience of similar deranged mothers , they should be looked at with the same zeal that we seem to want to exact on someone looking at a laptop .
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 05:45 am
izzythepush wrote:

That's because the welfare and safety of children should take priority over the rights of sick perverts to abuse them.

Yes but sometimes ya gotta admit that we go waaaay overboard. Youve got the guy convicted and the full story isnt even in yet.
I hate all "Zero tolerance" laws.
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 06:04 am
I say, shoot the son-of-a-bitch.
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 06:06 am
farmerman wrote:
The problem with "Zero tolerance" is that it can often lead to these areas where , under a more reasonable approach, would not be considered perving. I have some pictures of our two kids ass naked on rugs that we paid photographers to make portraits that we actually displayed until the kids got of a certain age that the poictures embarrased them. Under a zero tolerance approach, I suppose that my wife and I could be considered child porn purveyors (especially if someone came in and heisted the pix and put em on the web).

The only thing that is perhaps a good thing is that, as the facts come out and the alleged porn perv is found out to have been doing something relatively innocent (like looking at pix of his kids that were arranged on a laptop photo album), he may have grounds for a major suit to regain his reputation.
Suit against whom?? The police?
This is a super-hot button issue (child porn).
There are many folks who 'd be very eager to string up someone
who took a picture of a nude kid. Thay might well be on the jury.
Obviously, the motivation behind this area of law
is protecting and defending the young, which humans
as well as most creatures, are hard-wired to do; I 'm not sure how photography figures into it.
A threat is discerned from photography. I see the danger from alcohol; I see the danger from drugs,
but I 've yet to figure out the danger from photography.

As I understand it, if some kids go "streaking" by u nude
and u see them as thay go by, u are in no danger of arrest,
but if there is photography of that event in the newspaper and u see it,
then that is a felony.

Mon 28 Nov, 2011 06:11 am
izzythepush wrote:
That's because the welfare and safety of children should take priority over the rights of sick perverts to abuse them.
farmerman wrote:
Yes but sometimes ya gotta admit that we go waaaay overboard.
Youve got the guy convicted and the full story isnt even in yet.
I hate all "Zero tolerance" laws.
By way of comparison,
tobacco companies who took pictures of young people smoking
addicted many kids, effectively shortening their lives,
but with a lot less heated debate of incarceration.
0 Replies
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 06:48 am
Suit against whom?? The police?
A suit against the passenger and the airline itself . There are several other attractive litigants, (The airline securoty service who hustked him off, the newspapaers for only printing the most sensational parts,)
I see many litigants. IF AND ONLY IF THE GUY WAS INNOCENT.

Presumed innocense doesnt seem to pertain in any of these "Zero tolerance" issues

I 'm not sure how photography figures into it.
You are making a backward argument about guns David. Photography, like guns, is a tool. What someone does with em both is where the felonies lie.
I wouldnt trouble your mind about the technology but instead, worry about the results that are wrought.
Mon 28 Nov, 2011 07:51 am
This is a man who goes on in masturbatory detail about an eight year old girl in the shower.

Oh? and you came to that conclusion basic on what?

That I was shock and surprise at a light comedy that had a shower scene of a lovely 20s something actress and a little girl playing her daughter and remember the movie and it title thereafter?

You are an interesting asshole on either side of the pond it would seems and if I was going to masturbatory it would had been over the mom in the story who could not had been better design not the undeveloped little girl.

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