Quote:exactly and common sense is what we are lacking from a select few here.
As they have done in past threads relating to any type of sexual assault/abuse/crime, both Hawkeye and BillRM take the positions that either no crime really occurred {denial), the victim is lying, the person charged with the crime is the real victim, this is unfair persecution by the government, the laws are wrong and unfair, and on and on.
In other words, they push their views that either no one ever commits a sexually related offense and the jails are filled with innocent people, or we should eliminate or change the laws so that the crime will no longer exist, and the punishments should be minimal, if given at all. And it doesn't matter whether the crime in question is rape or child pornography, they will chant the same mantra. Questions of morality, about one person abusing or harming another when they commit such crimes, are either totally overwhelmed by their pity for the accused and convicted sex offender, or simply ignored by them.
And, because they operate with a preconceived agenda, that focuses on the accused or convicted as the 'real victim' of such crimes, they both significantly distort factual information in their posts, post information that is only half truths or downright inaccurate, and often misinterpret the material that they themselves post, simply to further their insubstantial arguments. And they ignore anything to the contrary that others post which would discredit their arguments. And all of that has been true in this thread, as well as the others.
Let's take the sentences given for possession of child pornography, for instance. BillRM has been carrying on about "unfair minimum sentences of four years", which is an inaccurate distortion of the truth because he is choosing not to mention that he is referring to only federal law, and not to the state laws which have penalties as low as probation for that offense, and most people are probably prosecuted under state law . But, if he presented the whole truth, he couldn't make a case for "crazy laws". And BillRM, who ignorantly carries on about laws he has never even read, which is why he can't post verbatim extracts from them, is apparently unaware that the federal minimum sentences are 5 years, and not 4. And, if he'd bother to follow the news stories, to find out what sentences in these cases are actually being handed out, he'd find that, even in federal cases, people are often sentenced to less than 5 years on the basis of plea deals. This very current case, where the man received 36 months, is an example of that.
Quote:Former Reynoldsburg teacher sentenced for possessing child pornography
Dec. 1, 2011
COLUMBUS -- Matthew R. Fisher, 30, was sentenced in U.S. District Court to 36 months in prison for possessing more than 600 images of child pornography
Fisher formerly taught at Reynoldsburg High School and coached the district's 8th grade girls' basketball team.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) received a lead from Italian law enforcement officials that they had identified a website that was making child pornography available for viewing and downloading, and Fisher's IP address was among those that had visited the website and appeared to download child pornography.
Agents and members of the Franklin County Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force executed a search warrant at Fisher's home in Pickerington in April and found more than 600 images of child pornography included numerous videos.
Fisher pleaded guilty on June 30, to one count of possession of child pornography.
In addition to his prison sentence, Fisher will serve 10 years probation and will be required to register as a sex offender.
"Congress has repeatedly said that the possession of child pornography is a profound public safety issue because it creates a 'marketplace' for the production of more child pornography and thus the abuse and exploitation of still more children," said Carter M. Stewart, U.S. Attorney for Southern District of Ohio in a news release. "Even though there was no evidence that Fisher exploited any of the children he came in contact with, the fact that someone in a position of authority around young people possesses child pornography is cause for grave concern."
Unlike other types of sex-related crimes, the evidence in child pornography cases is generally objective--the child pornography actually exists and was found in the person's possession, or there is evidence it was sought, or received, or had been in the person's possession. That makes it tougher for Hawkeye and BillRM to assert that the innocent are going to jail, but it doesn't stop them from trying, so instead they have been carrying on about the laws, the sentences, and the big bad bullying government. They have also tried to trivialize the possession of child porn as a crime of abuse against children by asserting that the viewing of such images doesn't affect the victim shown in such images, or by claiming that most of the images labeled as child pornography are harmless and not sexually explicit (now how would they know that unless they viewed child pornography?

Those who are sexually aroused by children are pedophiles, and only pedophiles have an interest in seeking, receiving, viewing, and collecting, child pornography. And a significant number of those people also sexually abuse real life children, although that is not always the case. But these consumers are part of the chain of child abuse and exploitation that begins with the creation of these pornographic images--the images were created for them--and each time they view these images, for purposes of their own sexual gratification, they are continuing to sexually exploit these children, violate their privacy rights, and, create the demand to keep this industry thriving. And they are knowingly breaking the laws prohibiting such activity.
We have good reasons for criminalizing child pornography, and for wanting to remove many of these pedophile consumers from the streets, and for wanting the sentences to send a warning message to others. Unlike Hawkeye and BillRM, most of us place our primary concern on the welfare of innocent children, both the children depicted in these pornographic images, and the children who live in our communities. We do see this as a moral issue, as well as a legal one, and we want to protect children from harm and sexual abuse. For most of us, this is a no-brainer. Child pornography is illegal around the globe.
What I have found particularly distressing is the number of people being arrested for possession of child pornography who work in jobs where they have daily contact with minors. In the last day alone, I have found current news stories that related to the arrests or convictions of teachers, a pediatrician, a Boy Scout leader, a school janitor, and a school coach, for possession of child pornography--and I wasn't even trying to search very hard at all. Not only does this information make me feel creepy, because these people are around children all the time, it reinforces the fact that these pedophiles do not conform to a particular stereotype--it could be almost anyone, including a previously married father, like the college professor whose arrest sparked the creation of this thread.
While there is certainly room for discussion and debate of issues connected with this topic, it should be honest debate, debate that does not trivialize the topic or the damage done to children, debate that does not grossly distort factual information, debate that does not include fabricated hypothetical situations that defy common sense, and debate that is directed at trying
to discuss and not to simply win an argument. When Hawkeye and BillRM can debate on that level, they might be worth listening to--right now, they are a long way from that.