Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Sun 23 Sep, 2012 07:09 am
This whole subject remind me of a college student who posted one hell of a sickening rape/torture fantasy on a newsgroup using his college account. I look up the damn thing up and could not get pass the first page.

It resulted in him being kicked out of college and spending some time in jail until his lawyer got to a judge that had hear of the 1 amendment.

Oh they found some emails also on his account where he and a Canadian
gentleman were discussing other rape/torture fantasies.

Efforts to track down the Canadian ended in failure.

My attitude was at the time and is the same as in the case of cartoons showing sex with 'underage' cartoon characters not my cup of tea or coffee however I feel no need or desire to interfere with others sharing fantasies even fantasies I find sickening.

Law enforcement had far more important tasks then to police fantasies of any type and if they have the extra manpower do to so then the police force need to be cut back.

Sun 23 Sep, 2012 10:39 am
You trash...You trash...You trash....You trash....You trash...You trash...

Parrot-boy want a cracker?
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 10:47 am
Security alert as google for whatever 'business' reasons keep a record of all repeat all searches done tied to your isp address so it is a good idea to used tor or some such program or precautions when doing search with keys words such as Lolicon free downloads or anything with child porn in the search terms.

I would bet given the subjects we researched on this website and such threads as this one if our freedom loving government had such information available we all would be on some government watch list.

Strange is it not as the searches that can be tied to me are completely PG but I bet that Firefly searches would light up every circuit in homeland security.

Here once more is where you can picked up the tor software oh and it also give you access to the darknet and allow you to get around countries restriction.

Sun 23 Sep, 2012 10:49 am
Pretty bird................
0 Replies
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 11:24 am
Footnote tor is also useful when doing browsing in open wifi hotspots so that you can not be spy upon by others sharing the same hotspot.

An if you are in a library that our wonderful government force them to censor the net tor will bypass such nonsense.

All in all a very useful tools to have on your computer.
0 Replies
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 11:41 am
his whole subject remind me of a college student who posted one hell of a sickening rape/torture fantasy on a newsgroup...

Do not confuse adult pornography with child pornography or obscene material involving children, as you are doing. They are governed by quite different laws, for quite different reasons. Your thinking, on almost every topic, is quite sloppy--not exactly a hallmark of intelligence or even of someone who is able to keep the facts straight.
Law enforcement had far more important tasks then to police fantasies of any type...

Except they are not policing "fantasies" they are policing actual images of an obscene sexual nature depicting children, which are being distributed, collected, and shared. And this is being done in many countries around the globe, not just in the U.S. The effort against child pornography, including these obscene and offensive drawn images, is being done on an international scale.

The fact you think they are policing "fantasies" simply reflects your lack of understanding of the topic, and your usual "junk thinking".

Why do you keep re-posting material on this topic which has previously been posted, more than once, including in previous posts by you? You're the only one who doesn't seem to understand these laws, or the fact they have been in effect for some time, and that convictions under these laws have already been obtained, including in the U.S..You'd be better advised to stop re-posting this material and spend more time reading it, and trying to understand the topic--you're the one clearly in need of an education.

And, in the U.S., and elsewhere, the penalties for obtaining and possessing this material are considerably less harsh than they are for images which show real children being abused--which is as it should be.

One concern is that this type of "cartoon" obscenity creates a demand for more child pornography with real children, and another is that it desensitizes the viewer to sexuality, violence, bestiality, etc. that involves children, and consequently makes it appear more acceptable---the same objections that are raised with virtual child pornography.

Your postings, which are highly repetitive, do nothing but reflect your ignorance, both of actual laws and their enforcement. You stopped having anything new to say on this topic quite early in this thread and, since then, it's been nothing but repetition of the same few opinions you have regarding the length of sentences being handed out in child pornography cases, and your empathy for those who are charged with violating these laws because they incur high legal fees, have their "useful" lives destroyed by incarcerations, their children suffer by losing their fathers, the prisons are too crowded and expensive to run etc.. You just repeat those same few opinions over and over and over and over.

You never acknowledge that these people got themselves into their legal predicament by knowingly violating laws which carry harsh penalties, and that they are responsible for such actions. They risk and forfeit their own freedom when they violate criminal laws. Most of all, you show no appreciation, at all of how these criminals contribute to the continuing sexual exploitation and abuse of children--your heart bleeds only for the offender. And that's the reason your comments are pretty much ignored--except to elicit insults from other posters, because of what such comments reflect about you as a person, and what's reflected about you isn't particularly appealing or worthy of respect.

Sun 23 Sep, 2012 12:03 pm
Security alert as google for whatever 'business' reasons keep a record of all repeat all searches done tied to your isp address so it is a good idea to used tor or some such program or precautions when doing search with keys words such as Lolicon free downloads or anything with child porn in the search terms.

I would bet given the subjects we researched on this website and such threads as this one if our freedom loving government had such information available we all would be on some government watch list.

Strange is it not as the searches that can be tied to me are completely PG but I bet that Firefly searches would light up every circuit in homeland security.

Here once more is where you can picked up the tor software oh and it also give you access to the darknet and allow you to get around countries restriction.


Now you are clearly giving advice to help people seek out and download illegal material--particularly that connected with child pornography and obscene imagery involving children--without detection by law enforcement. And you've done that several times.

I'm not sure you really are in compliance with the user terms of A2K when you do that, and I really think someone should have a site administrator investigate that issue. I don't think A2K should be used to promote illegal activity--such as the "safe" search for, and downloading, of any kind of illegal child pornography, or for promoting the purchase of any sort of illegal materials or items. Whether that info is available elsewhere on the internet is irrelevant to the issue of whether it should be promoted on A2K, and whether you should use this site for that purpose.

Strange is it not as the searches that can be tied to me are completely PG but I bet that Firefly searches would light up every circuit in homeland security.

I think I would have heard from Homeland Security by now. And they are fully welcome to examine my computer any time at all, as are customs agents--and I have no encryptions on my computer, and I'll supply them with all my passwords--unlike you, I'm not hiding anything, and I have no problems letting the government see that for themselves.

On the other hand BillRM, despite your alleged "PG" searchs, this particular thread already shows up on a search for child pornography. And, given the sort of advice you've been handing out, on how to find, and download, child pornography, including the variety represented in drawings, without detection by law enforcement, Homeland Security may already be watching you.

You keep thinking you're smarter than everyone else--you're not.
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 12:58 pm
Once more here is the words of the SC rejecting the attempt to ban these images under the same theory as you been trying to sell all of us so hard.

In New York v. Ferber (1982), the Court upheld a prohibition on the production, sale and distribution of child pornography because it was “intrinsically related” to the sexual abuse of children. Production not only harmed the children involved by serving as a record of their abuse, the Court said, but the sale or distribution of such pornography also economically motivated further production.

In contrast, “virtual child pornography is not ‘intrinsically related’ to the sexual abuse of children,” the Court noted in Free Speech Coalition. The Court was not convinced by claims that the images can cause the sexual abuse of children. “The causal link is contingent and indirect,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority. “The harm does not necessarily follow from the speech, but depends upon some unquantified potential for subsequent criminal acts.” The ban on virtual child pornography “prohibits speech that records no crime and creates no victims by its production.”Furthermore, the Court said that even if some pedophiles use virtual child pornography to encourage children to participate in the acts, virtual child depictions could not be banned because many innocent things, such as candy and video games, also could be used for immoral purposes but would not be banned. Such a prohibition on virtual child depictions would “[run] afoul of the principle that speech within the rights of adults to hear may not be silenced completely in an attempt to shield children from it.”
They are fantasy and drawn images are just as must a means of communicating as the printed word and are protected under the same theory of law as the printer word.

The SC throw the attempted to have them declare child porn out due to the those images being protected in the same manner as the printed word under the first amendment.

So congress went back to the old drawing board and used the same means as is used to outlaw the printed word the obscenity exception to the first amendment.

You know the same theory of the law that had allow them to arrested book dealers and adult porn sellers and forbid books some we now consider great works of literature.

You never acknowledge that these people got themselves into their legal predicament by knowingly violating laws which carry harsh penalties, and that they are responsible for such actions. They risk and forfeit their own freedom when they violate criminal laws

Oh you are under the impression that it is widely known that congress had outlaw a class of cartoons so that most if not all people who download such is aware that they are breaking a Federal law by doing so?

I was not aware of this law until days ago myself even those I had done one hell of a lot to research on the issues surrounding it and there had been little public awareness of a law that is for the most part not being enforce.

So I question how many people who had violate this law had a clue that this law exist in order to knowing be taking the risk of losing their freedom!!!!!!!

Sun 23 Sep, 2012 01:09 pm
Now you are clearly giving advice to help people seek out and download illegal material--particularly that connected with child pornography and obscene imagery involving children--without detection by law enforcement. And you've done that several times.

Oh by explaining the capabilities of software that was in part created by the US Naval and suggesting it is useful in keeping what the hell your internet searches happen to be from google, the government or anyone who even had a civil subpoena.

As far as I am aware congress had not pass any laws that forbid and make illegal any internet searches even using such keywords as child porn or using means to keep google from recording such searches.

So if the congress had make it illegal to protected the privacy of your internet searchs or outlaw some searches using some keywords please link to the law in question.

Hell maybe we could share the same cell as you did not come up with the news stories you had without using such key words as child porn in your searches!!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 01:13 pm
On the other hand BillRM, despite your alleged "PG" searchs, this particular thread already shows up on a search for child pornography. And, given the sort of advice you've been handing out, on how to find, and download, child pornography, including the variety represented in drawings, without detection by law enforcement, Homeland Security may already be watching you.

Other then being a tax payer and therefore being annoy at a waste of government resources I wish homeland security luck on doing so.

I wonder how many man hours even with all the information I had share on this website it would take to find my offline ID as backtracking by isp addresses is not going to do it.
0 Replies
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 01:33 pm
By the way Firefly if you do manage to get me kicked off this system for sharing public domain information that is the only way you could beat me in any debate by having an empty 'chair' instead of your truly.

Oh as far as helping the CP traders out I never was aware that this website have or likely have people doing such trading so I suggest you might wish to share the list of CP traders on this website that you are claiming I am helping out with Robert as well as homeland security.

I already promise you I would not help out izzy so send me your list of traders and I will not aid them either.

0 Replies
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 03:59 pm
I was not aware of this law until days ago myself even those I had done one hell of a lot to research on the issues surrounding it and there had been little public awareness of a law that is for the most part not being enforce.

That you're not aware of something should surprise no one.

Because you're not aware of something doesn't mean there is "little public awareness"--you hardly represent everyone.

Most people have no interest in child pornography, of any sort, so why should there be great general discussion about the laws? And those who are interested in it should best acquaint themselves with the laws--ignorance of the law is never a good excuse for breaking it.

The law, and it's enforcement, is certainly known on the manga/anime Web sites--that's where I found info. And on the deviantart Web site they were concerned about some of the sexually explicit cartoons involving child figures that were being posted and they contacted the Feds themselves for clarification. After being told such material violated the law, and such posted artwork should be reported to the government for further investigation, they posted that info on their Web site.

Stop re-posting the same material, and stop posting incorrect info. This cartoon child pornography is not protected by free speech, or by the same protections afforded to the printed word or to works with genuine artistic merit considered of value to society. You do not understand the laws, and consequently you misinterpret them--regularly.

And I don't "have a theory"--nor am I trying to sell you anything. We have laws prohibiting this material, the laws are already in effect, and they are enforced.
By the way Firefly if you do manage to get me kicked off this system for sharing public domain information that is the only way you could beat me in any debate by having an empty 'chair' instead of your truly.

If you think you're debating me, you're nuts. You can't even keep up with me, and all I'm doing is trying to discuss the already existing laws--the exact laws.

You don't know the difference between a discussion and a debate, which is why you're all about disregarding conflicting information, never admitting when you are wrong, and never learning anything in the context of a discussion.

You're not in my league, buddy.

Sun 23 Sep, 2012 04:04 pm
And I don't "have a theory"--nor am I trying to sell you anything. We have laws prohibiting this material, the laws are already in effect, and they are enforced.

we continually ratify law by keeping it in place, there is almost always a sales job going on for all laws which are even remotely not unanimously approved by the public.....and yes you continually try to sell that the laws are good and should be kept. I try to sell that the laws are unjust and are not the best way to deal with sexual boundary problems or sexual deviancy.
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 04:23 pm
yes you continually try to sell that the laws are good and should be kept. I try to sell that the laws are unjust and are not the best way to deal with sexual boundary problems or sexual deviancy.

You're the salesman, I'm not.

I personally have no problem accepting the current rape/sexual assault laws, or the child pornography laws--nor do they need me to defend them--but I do think it's important for people to know the exact laws, and how they are worded, and the specific crimes they define. So, I think education about those laws--specific laws-- is important.

You both have a general objection to the laws, and almost never refer to specific exact laws, and you also have your own personal philosophy about how such societal problems should be addressed in a manner other than that of the current laws.

You are definitely selling something, but I'm not. And, not only are you and I not really debating anything with each other, we're really on entirely different wavelengths. We're not even discussing the same thing most of the time.
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 04:25 pm
Good try but unless you can show otherwise the idea that a type of Japanese cartoons have been outlaw is not likely to be common knowledge period.

I myself was aware that the congress had try once to get such a ban in placed and had been rejected by the SC ruling but not that congress had try another approach after that and this law had yet to reach the SC level to be upheld or rejected as the law had not been commonly enforced up to this point to generate a case that would reach the court.
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 04:29 pm
You both have a general objection to the laws, and almost never refer to specific exact laws,

Your false statements are breathtaking to say the least,
0 Replies
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 04:35 pm
Good try but unless you can show otherwise the idea that a type of Japanese cartoons have been outlaw is not likely to be common knowledge period.

I have already shown otherwise. Like everything else. it probably went right over your head.

The law involving these pornographic cartoons is the PROTECT Act of 2003, and it was being enforced in the U.S. at least as early as 2006, in the case against Christopher Handley--and he was convicted in 2009, solely for possession of this type of manga--he had no child pornography involving actual children.

You're just slow to wake up, BillRM, very slow.
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 04:49 pm
The law involving these pornographic cartoons is the PROTECT Act of 2003, and it was being enforced in the U.S. at least as early as 2006, in the case against Christopher Handley--and he was convicted in 2009, solely for possession of this type of manga--he had no child pornography involving actual children.

There had been little enforcement one or two or three cases in a country of 300 millions plus in years is little enforcements with all but one known case connected to real CP and not stand alone cases.

There had not been any cases of police raids for downloading these cartoons that in common in CP cases that I could find.

So the odds that the public as a whole would be awared of this law is near zero.
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 05:20 pm
Sun 23 Sep, 2012 05:37 pm
So we back to the picture and now I am wondering if we could break your postings into a mathematical formulas to be able to predict when and where that picture will show up in your postings.

Hell instead of just the picture we could see if we could predict the others markers that keep repeating such as when the police state threat of the big bad government will occur once more.

There surely does seems to be a repeating pattern in your posting such things.

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