Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Sat 22 Sep, 2012 04:35 am
izzythepush wrote:
And spare me the faux concern about the treatment of blacks,
you've made your position quite clear on the Zimmerman thread.
The same thing coud have happened to a black.
If decedent had been slamming the head of a black
against the street, presumably the black woud have shot him too.

0 Replies
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 05:02 am
Well izzy rapists had never been a group I had defended unless you are talking about claims of rapes due to regret of an adult woman the next day or the next week tied to her consent being given under the influence of her own voluntary drinking or drugging. In other word claims of rape due to withdraw of consent after the fact and or claims of invalid consent.

As far as pedophiles I never had a problem with locking up anyone who directly harm children in a sexual manner and even had supported punishing those who are found to be with CP materials up to some prison time in the worst cases just not the over the top punishments of the US so call justice system that even our judges are having a hard time imposing.

Footnote anyone who have any question that this silliness is over the top the idea of giving prison time for someone who had a cartoon repeat a cartoon drawing of an 'underage' cartoon figure having sex seems more then enough proof that we need to rethink this whole matter.

I never had a problem with punishing drunks however the term does not apply fully to anyone on the low end of the BAC scale for that condition and I am in favor of a graded scale of punishments with the hammer only coming down with full force on the group that are involved in the most serous accidents that can be connected to their drinking and that does not start at .08.

Of course any one opinion that might go against your and Firefly blood lust for maximum punishment possible for any misdeed is a sinner themselves.

Too bad that Firefly can no longer enjoy public hangings as my bet is she would be out there watching them as must as possible if they were still around.

Last comment concerning the Zimmerman case I find it odd that you and Firefly care so must for a young black man who try to kill a Latin man and as a result lost his life and yet do not care that in the US the leading cause of deaths of black young men are other black young men and that condition surely is not help by having a large percent of the fathers of these young men locked away for non violence crimes for the period of their childhood.

Of course you are no worse however you are no better then the so call black leadership who are not addressing the real problems of the US black community instead of having a light and smoke show over drumming up hate directed at a man who needed to killed in order to keep his brains from being beaten out of his head.
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 06:23 am
I've not seen you show any concern for petty criminals imprisoned for long periods of time.

And as for bloodlust, anyone who insists on the state executing a man without fully examining DNA evidence that could exonerate him is far too bloody for my tastes.

I've suggested that you start a thread about why you think America's legal system is way too punative across the board, but you prefer to focus on paedophiles, rapists and drunks who kill.

You've spent as much time slagging off the UK's penal code as you have suggesting you Americans could learn a few thing from us, which has resulted in a load of meaningless drivel.
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 06:48 am
directed at a man who needed to killed in order to keep his brains from being beaten out of his head.

If that man had any brains, he would never have followed that kid and provoked a confrontation.
Of course you are no worse however you are no better then the so call black leadership who are not addressing the real problems of the US black community

Right, only you know the real problems of the black community. Rolling Eyes

And those problems include people like you, and Zimmerman, who label every black teen "a hoodlum" and who become incensed and outraged when someone is even arrested for killing an unarmed black minor. Your alleged concern for black Americans is as phony as everything else about you.

Sat 22 Sep, 2012 07:25 am
I've not seen you show any concern for petty criminals imprisoned for long periods of time

What cases of petty criminals with long sentences that had been discuss on this website had I not shown concern about?

is way too punative across the board, but you prefer to focus on paedophiles, rapists and drunks who kill.

Odd claims when I had gone over and over the large total numbers of blacks for example lock behind bars for non violence crimes including drug crimes.

Posting for example that one drug crime that call for a maximum repeat maximum sentence of 6 months under UK laws call for a minimum repeat a minimum sentence of ten years under US laws!!!!!!

You've spent as much time slagging off the UK's penal code as you have suggesting you Americans could learn a few thing from us, which has resulted in a load of meaningless drivel.

Well I am not of the opinion your system is perfect with special note of your gun laws and examples such as charging two ten years old in adult court for the crime of playing doctor with an 8 years old however I do approve for the most part the length of your average sentences.

0 Replies
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 07:40 am
If that man had any brains, he would never have followed that kid and provoked a confrontation

So doing legal behaviors on the public streets should open you up to attacks and your losing your right of self defense if by doing those legal behaviors you had annoy someone?

Under that logic a woman walking down the street half dress and provoking lust in the heart of some man had lost her right to complain about being sexually assault as she had no brain for provoking lust and she surely also had lost her right of self defense just as your are claiming Zimmerman had lost his right of self defense.

And those problems include people like you, and Zimmerman, who label every black teen "a hoodlum" and who become incensed and outraged when someone is even arrested for killing an unarmed black minor

He was armed in that he was using a sidewalk as a deadly instrument in trying to kill or greatly harm Zimmerman.

As far as Zimmerman being a racist given that he fought the local police department over an injustice he feel had been done to a black homeless person by a well connected white man and the police department.

In fact going to the local black churches to get them interest in the case and in the end forcing out the local police chief.

But facts never been a concern of your now have it!!!!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 07:59 am
Look, BillRM is clearly a man of somewhat limited intellectual abilities, who repeatedly tries to engage in discussions that are clearly over his head, and he routinely makes a fool of himself. And he is such a fool he can't even admit when he is factually wrong, and he never has the sense to know when to shut up.

Were it not for his rather offensive personal manner, I'd feel rather guilty about insulting someone who has such obvious cognitive and intellectual limitations. But BillRM not only invites such disparagement, he seemingly begs for it. His need for some sort of recognition is so pathetic that he prefers being abused and insulted to being ignored. He actively provokes others to attack him, on a personal level, so it's no wonder he identifies with someone like George Zimmerman, who did the same thing in provoking an attack on himself.

Not only does he have no concern for the children victimized and exploited by child pornography, he has no concern for rape victims {other than those he considers victims of "real" rape}, or those killed by drunk drivers either. His heart bleeds only for the perpetrators of such crimes and the fact that society imposes harsh penalties on them for their heinous acts. He's described these people as "useful citizens" and bemoans the fact that their lives are ruined by the high cost of legal fees, and incarceration. And this concern for the criminal is never balanced with an appreciation of how these people have damaged the lives of others.

To say that BillRM's values are warped, and that his moral development is questionable, is an understatement. He genuinely lacks an empathic identification with others, except for the deviants, abusers, exploiters, and sociopaths of the world--which reveals volumes about him. Those people he can understand, they're familiar to him, on a first hand basis. BillRM always seems to be hiding some dirty little secret, and given the unsavory details of his personal life he has chosen to share with us, one can only imagine what he hasn't yet shared.

He thinks scorn is heaped upon him because his so-called "opinions" are unpopular. That's partially true, because his views on matters like rape, drunk driving, and child pornography, and on the laws which define such crimes, do differ radically from the overwhelming majority of people in the world. His moral compass isn't in sync with that of most people. But it's much more his attitude than his opinions that are offensive, and it's his attitude that reflects his personality. Everything about this man, on a personal level, is just plain distasteful.

Sat 22 Sep, 2012 08:01 am
firefly wrote:
If that man had any brains, he would never have followed that kid and provoked a confrontation.

You have no evidence that Zimmerman provoked any confrontation. You just made that part up.
0 Replies
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 08:05 am
firefly wrote:
Look, BillRM is clearly a man of somewhat limited intellectual abilities, who repeatedly tries to engage in discussions that are clearly over his head, and he routinely makes a fool of himself. And he is such a fool he can't even admit when he is factually wrong, and he never has the sense to know when to shut up.

Were it not for his rather offensive personal manner, I'd feel rather guilty about insulting someone who has such obvious cognitive and intellectual limitations.

You trash shouldn't run around falsely accusing your betters of your own stupidity.

(Yes, I use that line in defense of others from time to time, if the event is egregious enough, as this one is.)
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 08:14 am
You know your claims that Zimmerman is some kind of an arm racist have as must credibility Firefly as the a similar claimed by a reporter against the 60 minute Andy Rooney that he had make a racist comments to him during an interview.

Sometime such unfounded charges can not be shown to be silly but in some times such as Zimmerman and Rooney they can be so shown.

Zimmerman had a history of standing up for people of whatever color he feel that had been wrong and working with black churches in his community.

As far as Rooney too many black leaders knew him and his support of blacks causes and that even dating back to a young man in the military station in the south he had allow himself to be arrested for daring to take a bus seat in the black area of the bus instead of moving.

Then there was the amusing case of a friend of mine with white skin and red hair and blue eyes who found herself before a civil service hearing over the charge that she gave bad reviews to a black woman because she was a racist.

When ask if she was indeed not a racist by the woman lawyer her reply was that she was not sure so he should call and ask that question to her black husband and her two biracial children.

Placing the label racist on any white even one that is a Latin and not all that white mostly have a good chance of working however is some cases such as the Zimmerman case it is on it face silly.
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 08:16 am

You trash shouldn't run around falsely accusing your betters of your own stupidity.

(Yes, I use that line in defense of others from time to time...}

You use that "You trash..." comeback incessantly because you really have nothing meaningful to say, so you just repeat yourself, like a parrot.

Which is why I now think of you as parrot-boy. Laughing
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 08:19 am
You and Zimmerman also seem to have Attention Deficit Disorder in common, beside your both not being the brightest bulb in the pack.

Go back to the Zimmerman thread, asshole.

Sat 22 Sep, 2012 08:28 am
firefly wrote:
You use that "You trash..." comeback incessantly


firefly wrote:
you really have nothing meaningful to say

0 Replies
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 08:30 am
firefly wrote:
You and Zimmerman also seem to have Attention Deficit Disorder in common, beside your both not being the brightest bulb in the pack.

You trash shouldn't run around falsely accusing your betters of your own stupidity.
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 08:32 am
Were it not for his rather offensive personal manner, I'd feel rather guilty about insulting someone

This is coming from a woman that have no problem labeling me a rapist, a drunk and a drunk driver and a CP collector/pedophile.

All for daring to disagree with her over such matter as BAC levels for DUI driving and punishments level for having CP on a computer and for being of the opinion that an adult woman is responsibility for her own sexual actions under the voluntary influence of alcohol or drugs.

Who posted one silly if insulting cartoon after another directed at anyone who disagree with her.

Then to put whip cream on the matter when I once posted that I had added some high level computer security to my wife laptop her comment/question where is she also a child porn collector!!!!

This concerning a woman who is not a member of this website even and who only sin in Firefly eyes is that she is my wife.

Talk about disagreeable personal manners!!!!!!!!!!!
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 08:48 am
You trash shouldn't run around falsely accusing your betters of your own stupidity.

You trash...you trash...you trash...you trash...

Thanks for proving my point, parrot-boy. Laughing
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 08:56 am
Who posted one silly if insulting cartoon after another...

Awww...BillRM, this photo's not insulting. It shows off your best features.

That's why someone else, in another thread, thinks it should be your avatar. Laughing
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 10:06 am
Awww...BillRM, this photo's not insulting. It shows off your best features.

Thanks once more for giving an example of a woman who happen to be very insecure concerning her own abilities to hold her own in debates using the tools of facts and logic and instead she fall back to trying to degrade and also demonize her opponents.

Kind of sad as those tactics only end up degrading her in the eyes of people reading such threads.
0 Replies
Sat 22 Sep, 2012 10:48 am
An the craziness go on all over the world but at least the man is only looking at fines.

Can not wait to hear of the first FBI raid trigger by someone downloading drawings over the net.


Comic translator convicted of possessing child pornography... after police seize his collection of Japanese manga cartoons

By Richard Orange In Malmö
PUBLISHED: 15:15 EST, 16 May 2012 | UPDATED: 11:34 EST, 18 May 2012

..A Swedish man is fighting a heavy fine for possession of child pornography, after police seized 51 drawings from his collection of Japanese manga cartoons.

Simon Lundström, 39, who translates the comics for a living, appeared in Sweden’s Supreme Court today on the first day of his attempt to overturn a ruling last year when 39 of the 51 cartoons seized from his apartment were deemed as child pornography.

Japan’s manga cartoons, which are intended for adults, frequently feature violent and explicit sex, in which innocent young girls falling prey to demonic men.

The supreme court in Stockholm is hearing the charges brought against Lundstrom

Mr Lundström was found guilty of possessing child pornography in 2010, and lost his first appeal against the ruling last year.

He said that he was considering moving to Japan if the Supreme Court does not overturn the sentence.

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'I would feel completely finished with Sweden. It feels so incredibly strange that I should be regarded as a criminal for having looked at some imaginary drawings.'

Chief prosecutor in the case, Hedvig Trost said: 'Children should never be depicted in a sexual context, regardless of whether it is in a photograph or a drawing.

On Tuesday, Björn Sellström, the head of the Swedish Police’s child pornography task force, warned that such cases risked diverting police from protecting real children from paedophiles.

'I have doubts about how a conviction will benefit those children who are victims of real abuse,' he wrote in Sweden's Dagens Nyheter newspaper.

'If the judgment stands, the risk is that the number of cases involving child pornography offences will increase.

'In turn will mean longer processing times for those cases involving photographs and films of child abuse in real situations.'

The Supreme Court was today shown some of the offending cartoons, which depict figures with over-sized heads and big eyes posing sexually for the viewer, and engaging in sexual activities.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2145359/Comic-translator-convicted-possessing-child-pornography.html#ixzz27DYeO5km
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Sat 22 Sep, 2012 11:40 am
A parrot is a lot more intelligent. Oralboy is pondlife, there's no point engaging him in anything.

I can see why he's giving BillRM such support, birds of a feather and all that.

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