Man's life Over, Cops Decide He Watched Child Porn in First Class

Thu 20 Sep, 2012 08:08 pm
And that 5 year mandatory minimum sentence is often ignored by judges here, and judges in the U.K, also toss people in jail for years

Years sentence in the UK are given out only to the worst of the worst not the norm or even near norm sentences.

A sentence that would draw years in the UK would draw decades in the US.

As far as some Federal judges not being able to stomach the US guidelines that is in my favor in the position I had taken that the guideline and the law is insanely harsh.

Below is the five UK levels.


The SAP scaleThe 2002 case of Regina v. Oliver in the Court of Appeal[6] established a scale by which indecent images of children could be "graded". The five point scale, established by UK's Sentencing Advisory Panel and adopted in 2002, is known as the SAP scale. It is based on COPINE terminology and is often mistakenly referred to as such.[7]

The SAP Scale 1 Nudity or erotic posing with no sexual activity
2 Sexual activity between children, or solo masturbation by a child
3 Non-penetrative sexual activity between adult(s) and child(ren)
4 Penetrative sexual activity between child(ren) and adult(s)
5 Sadism or bestiality
0 Replies
Thu 20 Sep, 2012 08:13 pm
And that 5 year mandatory minimum sentence is often gotten around here,

Any guideline that need to be gotten around on a common base to have something that look like justice is a piece of **** and that had been my position all along.

Sadly some judges do sentence people using this guideline.
Thu 20 Sep, 2012 08:21 pm
There is no mandatory minimum sentence for possession if the defendant pleads guilty--and most of these cases are resolved with plea deals, where the defendant pleads guilty. So sentences below 5 years can be handed out, and they are handed out. You just don't know what the hell you are talking about.

Smart people admit when they are wrong--and you're too dumb to even realize that.
Thu 20 Sep, 2012 08:31 pm
There is no mandatory minimum sentence for possession if the defendant pleads guilty--and most of these cases are resolved with plea deals, where the defendant pleads guilty

Bright people do not try to bullshit their way out of a corner either as you seems to be doing.

Would you care to link to that claim that if you plea guilty of having child porn the federal guidelines minimum sentence do not apply for the crime of having child porn!!!!!!!

Now if they wish to downgrade the charge to something that does not involved having child porn that is possible but I do think that unless you can come up with a link you are bullshiting big time.
Thu 20 Sep, 2012 08:45 pm
Would you care to link to that claim that if you plea guilty of having child porn the federal guidelines minimum sentence do not apply for the crime of having child porn!!!!!!!

Now if they wish to downgrade the charge to something that does not involved having child porn that is possible but I do think that unless you can come up with a link you are bullshiting big time.

I just posted that link! Are you memory impaired? Or just drunk Drunk Drunk Drunk
In one recent case, James L. Graham, a United States District Court judge in Ohio, sentenced a 67-year-old man who had suffered a stroke to a single day in prison, along with restrictions on computer use and registration as a sex offender. As part of a deal with prosecutors, the man had pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography, which carries no mandatory sentence.

You really don't understand what you read. Or you're so stupid, and so mainly concerned with shooting your own mouth off, you don't even bother to read what others post.

And you're definitely too dumb to ever admit you are wrong.

Continue talking to yourself. You don't mind your own bullshit--I can't stomach more of it.
0 Replies
Thu 20 Sep, 2012 09:22 pm
Ok the prosecutors can play legal games at whim separating receipt from possession even if there is no way in the real world to have possession without receipt of the material.

However that does not change the following fact.


According to von Dornum, the average sentence for a federal child pornography offense in 2010 was higher than for all other offenses except murder and kidnapping. Indeed, the average was about six months higher than for sexual abuse offenders.

So you are better off on average raping then having a CP picture by six months.

Then this fact........same link

In one survey, over 70% of federal judges thought the five-year mandatory minimum for these child pornography "receipt" crimes was too long.

Or that.....

(Judge) Rodgers urged the commission to propose repealing the mandatory minimum sentence for receipt of child porn
Lengthy terms of incarceration alone will not adequately address the harms of these offenders," she testified. "Greater reliance on the use of supervised release should be considered."

New York-based federal defender Deirdre von Dornum told the Sentencing Commission there's insufficient evidence to prove a strong correlation. Child pornography offenders have a lower recidivism rate than child molesters, she said, and many could be safely monitored via supervised probation.

"Many of these individuals have stable employment, family support, and no prior contact with the criminal justice system," she said. "Punitive terms of imprisonment do nothing but weaken or destroy pro-social influences in their lives."

Thu 20 Sep, 2012 09:37 pm
Thu 20 Sep, 2012 09:49 pm
Still having a picture of a crime involving a child is a crime that get you on average six months more then raping someone dear heart and that is insane in any logic system.

An that is why no one in the first world is following our example in such long sentences for simple possession/receipt of CP materials and that 70 percent of Federal judges are of the opinion that the sentencing is too harsh for this crime.

No matter how you cut it we are insane over the subject compare to the rest of the first world.
Thu 20 Sep, 2012 09:52 pm
By the way Firefly are you under the opinion all these long sentences are working and therefore we have less CP trading then the rest of the world?
0 Replies
Thu 20 Sep, 2012 10:10 pm
Still having a picture of a crime involving a child is a crime that get you on average six months more then raping someone dear heart and that is insane in any logic system.

An that is why no one in the first world is following our example in such long sentences for simple possession....

And it can also get you one day in jail...
In one recent case, James L. Graham, a United States District Court judge in Ohio, sentenced a 67-year-old man who had suffered a stroke to a single day in prison, along with restrictions on computer use and registration as a sex offender. As part of a deal with prosecutors, the man had pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography, which carries no mandatory sentence.

And, if you don't violate the child pornography laws, you don't get any time in jail.http://animated-gifs.org/wp-content/themes/frugal/graphics/cat/laughing-out-loud/lol-dog-ag1.gif

Fri 21 Sep, 2012 06:16 am
An the average sentence for CP is still six months longer then sexual assault so the society is stating that having CP pictures and videos is a worst crime then rape.

Only murder and kidnapping draw longer average sentences under the Federal system.
0 Replies
Fri 21 Sep, 2012 06:22 am
And, if you don't violate the child pornography laws, you don't get any time in jail.

Good reasoning for having totally irrational punishments levels and it as logical as saying if you did not wish for ten years in prison for being late in returning a library book you should had return it on time.
Fri 21 Sep, 2012 08:05 am
it as logical as saying if you did not wish for ten years in prison for being late in returning a library book you should had return it on time.

But, that is logical.
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

What's the matter, BillRM--can't you live without your illegal pornography?
Fri 21 Sep, 2012 08:18 am
What's the matter, BillRM--can't you live without your illegal pornography

Let see I am a drunk, drunk driver, rapist, pedophile and CP collector all for the sin of daring to disagree with you on issues on this website.

Do you ever get bore with being that silly and immature?

0 Replies
Fri 21 Sep, 2012 01:03 pm
My heart's not going to bleed for this man, who was just sentenced to 30 years, with no parole. Nor do I think the judge minded imposing the sentence.
Ex-cop gets 30 years for massive child porn stash
By Guillermo Contreras
September 20, 2012

A former police officer who served 12 years for molesting a child was sentenced Thursday to another 30 years in federal prison for a child-pornography stash so large that agents had to stop counting the images.

Charles Leroy Earl, 65, was a police officer in Reno, Nev., for nine years until he was convicted there in 1985 of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old, one of three teens he was accused at the time of sexually assaulting.

Earl moved to Texas after his release from a Nevada prison and was living in New Braunfels, working as a self-employed computer systems administrator.

He didn't register as a sex offender when he moved to Texas.

On Oct. 4, 2011, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents working on a national child-porn sweep raided his New Braunfels home and seized 10 computers, eight powerbooks, 61 hard drives, two digital cameras, and numerous compact disks and DVDs.

Investigators found a huge cache of child-porn images, but agents were told to stop counting because they already had amassed the evidence they needed and had to work on other cases that were backing up.

“It was enormous,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Tracy Thompson said of the collection.

When Earl was first interviewed, “he admitted to the agents that they would find hundreds of thousands of child porn images. ... It's the largest amount that homeland security agents have ever seen in” South Texas.

His lawyer sought leniency, and Earl told the judge he wanted to teach others about computers.

Besides giving Earl the 30-year, no-parole sentence, U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia also ordered him to serve a lifetime of supervision if he gets out of prison.

"He will, in all likelihood, spend the rest of his life in prison, which is apparently the only place where offenders like him can be prevented from preying upon vulnerable children,” stated United States Attorney Robert Pitman.
Fri 21 Sep, 2012 01:22 pm
I also love the idea of the Federal government now have a law/tool to fill up the prisons up with people who have drawing of 'underage' cartoon characters shown having sex such as for example the the Simpson daughter Lisa Simpson.

So far the Federal government had only used child cartoon porn to add to a sentence of someone who they found real CP on their computers but this in the brave and silly future we are headed for.

I had seen such drawings a few times and had always feel they was in bad taste but soon the owners will be off to prison for having them unless they did not get them over the internet but draw the cartoons themselves or had them handed to them in person.

I can see it now the FBI in full battle gear breaking someone door down at 2AM looking for a Lisa Simpson CP cartoon that they had trace to your isp address downloading.

This should be amusing to see Firefly defending such raids and imprisonments with the comment if you do not wish to do the time do not download Lisa Simpson CP cartoons just learn to draw it yourself.


18 USC 1466AIn response to Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, Congress passed the PROTECT Act of 2003 (also dubbed the Amber Alert Law) and it was signed into law on April 30, 2003 by then president George W. Bush.[50] The law enacted 18 U.S.C. § 1466A, which criminalizes material that has "a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture or painting", that "depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is "obscene" or "depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in ... sexual intercourse ... and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value".By its own terms, the law does not make all simulated child pornography illegal, only that found to be obscene or lacking in serious value. And mere possession of said images is not a violation of the law unless it can be proven that they were transmitted through a common carrier, such as the mail or the internet, or transported across state lines.[51] There is also an affirmative defense made for possession of no more than two images with "reasonable steps to destroy" the images or reporting and turning over the images to law enforcement.[52]

Fri 21 Sep, 2012 01:48 pm
My heart's not going to bleed for this man, who was just sentenced to 30 years, with no parole. Nor do I think the judge minded imposing the sentence.

Interest and the idiot was a former police officer and a self-employed computer systems administrator.

Yet he did not know enough not to confess to anything, download this **** in a manner that his ISP address could be track back to him and then did not used such softwares as truecrypt, pgpdisk or bit locker to protected his drives when he was being crazy enough to have CPs on those drives with his record as a sex offender in the first place.

His lawyer sought leniency, and Earl told the judge he wanted to teach others about computers.

The man credibility as someone who could teach others about computers seem lacking.

Fri 21 Sep, 2012 01:55 pm
BillRM wrote:
Yet he did not know enough not to confess to anything, download this **** in a manner that his ISP address could be track back to him and then did not used such softwares as truecrypt, pgpdisk or bit locker to protected his drives when he was being crazy enough to have CPs on those drives with his record as a sex offender in the first place.

It's a pity he didn't know you isn't it? You'd've seen him right.
Fri 21 Sep, 2012 02:04 pm
It's a pity he didn't know you isn't it? You'd've seen him right

The information is out there in how to protected your computers and your privacy on the net and off the net and he should had all that information as a system administrator as a matter of course.

It kind of like having someone who is claiming to be a doctor not knowing how to do CPR so it is very strange.

Just like a former police officer should known to keep his mouth shut no matter what.

His actions and the position he found himself in does not match his claim background and knowledge set.
0 Replies
Fri 21 Sep, 2012 02:04 pm
I also love the idea of the Federal government now have a law/tool to fill up the prisons up with people who have drawing of 'underage' cartoon characters shown having sex..

Except that mere possession of said images is not a violation of U.S. law, unless it can be proven that they were transmitted through a common carrier, such as the mail or the internet, or transported across state lines.

On the other hand, your friends in the U.K., who you think are so much more lenient regarding child pornography offenses, are, in fact, much harsher on these cartoon portryals than we are in the in the U.S. Mere posession of such images is already illegal in the U.K. and they are lining up even harsher penalties.
The Government published a consultation on 1 April 2007, announcing plans to create a new offence of possessing a computer generated picture, cartoon or drawing with a penalty of three years in prison and an unlimited fine.

Don't count on not getting jail time in the U.K. for possession of child pornography, BillRM, any kind of child pornography. You're not in touch with current reality.

I had seen such drawings a few times and had always feel they was in bad taste...

Oh, I don't doubt for a moment that you have viewed cartoon kiddy porn....

Is there pornography you consider in "good taste"? You seem to be a connoisseur of porn...

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