Quote:What's quite telling is how BillRM has so much personal knowledge of being accused of sex/violent crimes and has innocent explanations for all of them.
His wife gets a restraining order placed on him because she's a drug addict, he gets thrown out of a park for enticing small children over with kittens because it's the only way he can ensure they go to a good home. And now his son-in-law has child porn on his computer, because of the guy next door.
It's also telling that, while he harps on our over-crowded prisons, he never considers that people in those prisons have broken laws. The thought that these people are actually guilty never enters his mind. He's not interested in the crime problem these people represent, or how their crimes affect others, but only in the size and cost of the prisons.
Which is why his dumb solution is to change or get rid of the laws, or stop sending people to prison as a punishment. Yes, that might reduce the size of the prison population, but would it stop crimes, like rape, or drunk driving, or those involving child pornography, that society most definitely has indicated it wants to stop and deter? If harsher penalties aren't effective, why would lesser penalties work? Oh wait, BillRM is only interested in decreasing the prison population, he's not interested in actually trying to stop or deter the unacceptable behaviors. He'd just re-write the laws so these things wouldn't be crimes.
His solution to the drunk driving problem is change the law--by increasing the legal BAC level, so fewer people get arrested. Duh. Sure that would cut down on the number of people going to jail. But, what about the problem of people driving drunk? Well BillRM just doesn't think they are
really drunk at a BAC=.08, despite all factual evidence to the contrary. And the ones who are
really drunk, by his standards, should get fined, or maybe, community service. If you want to drive drunk, you've got good old BillRM on your side.
Similarly, he doesn't support anything more than a slap on the wrist for possession and distribution of child pornography because he thinks it's a victim less crime, even though it's those who seek out, and possess, and share, those pornographic images who keep the production of child pornography thriving, and who contribute directly to the continuing sexual exploitation and abuse of children in the process. Without the consumers, who create the demand, you don't have the industry. The fact that viewing these illegal images of child abuse re-victimizes the child, both by a violation of their privacy, as well as by a further sexual exploitation of the child, really doesn't concern him. BillRM likes pornography, so all pornography is all right with him. As long as it enhances masturbation and provides sexual gratification, other values don't matter to him. He'll even tell you how to hide child porn on your computer so the government can't find it. If you want to collect and share child pornography, you've got good old BillRM on your side.
In BillRM's mind, the only true victims of crime are those who get arrested for breaking the laws because they have to shell out a lot of money to pay their lawyers. His heart really bleeds for the people who have to pay the high fees of their criminal defense attorneys.
And, poor BillRM is always the innocent victim--his ex-wife lied when she got an Order of Protection against him, although he never showed up in court to defend himself against her charge of domestic abuse--and the people in the park, who were concerned about his using kittens to interact with children, and wanted him out of there, because he was using a lure commonly employed by pedophiles, were unjustly targeting him, and discriminating against him, simply because he was male.
We should really let someone who thinks like BillRM write our laws, and address our prison problem, shouldn't we? It's like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop.