H2O MAN wrote:
Obama has proven himself to be the most worthless president in American history...
America can't wait to refer to him as former president Obama.
I cannot wait for you to refer to him as President Obama... I have a lot of well deserved contempt for him; but I would likely never win an election for dog catcher... That man has won an election for President of the United States of America, and contempt for him is contempt for all who voted for him who are my fellow citizens and for the system of government which made his election legitimate.. I know that the constitution was written to benefit the wealthy at the expense of the poor, and from the very beginning the government has served the rich and only at best kept the poor alive when they were and are in regard to a healthy society only so much pus on a wound... Not democrat nor republican is the answer, and no ideology is the answer to our prayers or problem; but your brand of total disrespect of the people is useless to all who would save this nation and see us great... The future lies over the bodies of fools like you.. Just keep on barring the way.
You might consider that the system and its flaws is what is making enemies of us, and the answer, no matter how obvious it may seem is not disrespect of each other or a denial of rights, but is a reasoned and measured examination of the fact and their meaning... We have no reason to hate each other, nor to stand in the way of something better as worse will never be... Electing opportunists like Newt, or cold fish like Romney when all are idealists of the worst kind, and unable to appreciate that ideas that do not work are not the fault of the people who must suffer their failure...