@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn - You do realize that the Arab spring is still going on right?
Also, unless you have some sort of criteria for what a paradigm changing event is or is not, pointing to two events as proof that a third is not is hardly convincing. Less so, when there are considerable reasons to believe the first two you listed have changed things.
The Arab Spring has changed the world. Regime change is nothing small, Finn. That people observe and continue to fight in other countries still is testament to how this has changed things. As for wikileaks, it has changed things as well. It's shifted how foreign offices interact and shook up the idea that backroom workings would remain indefinately secret. It has ALSO created problems, but new problems are also a sign of a change. I don't see any of these issue going away? Do you? So while I don't think that WL is the greatest thing on earth, it may ultimately be the prototype (or the boogyman).