David wrote:If u read this thread, u will see that
the girl HERSELF had this idea.
The way u wrote that,
it sounds as if someone ELSE infected her mind
with that idea; that is NOT what happened, Bill.
BillRM wrote:Strange that you did not quote this comment in my same posting:
give them and or support ideas/morals that the parents do not happen to share.
There is nothing strange about it.
I did not quote it because I don 't believe it and I find
no merit in it.
My parents were big supporters of Roosevelt; ( I never was ).
U claim that no one shoud tell me anything except in support of Roosevelt,
because such was the wish of my parents?????
Not in a
free country.
On the other hand, my parents were not commies,
but the
commie next door, Comrade Murray, spoke to me all the time.
He spoke to the whole naborhood, especially in the summertime.
He 'd never shut up about
Comrade Stalin and the Workers' Paradise.
He and I were both within our respective rights to converse.
My uncle was a Nazi who served in the German Army in the First World War.
During WWII, he taunted us (mildly), knowing that we were
At the beginning of the war, he used to say: "thay r really
to them, aren't thay?" referring to boming England.
( He was
less vociferous, toward the end of the war. )
I debated with him; he took the Nazi position and I took a libertarian position,
defending the concept of
laissez faire capitalism and (domestically) feeble government.
Altho my parents never interfered (except to join in the debates),
I woud have
disregarded any effort on their part toward censorship.
( If thay
had tried to interfere with my freedom of speech
or of inquiry, I 'd have
reprimanded them for their attempts,
asserting my intellectual freedom & independence.)
BillRM wrote:It does not matter a bit if an idea is being given to a child
or the child own idea is being supported by adults non-family members
agree that it does not matter,
free speech being what it
but u r alleging that people have no right to speak to kids
unless what thay say
mirrors what the kid's parents believe.
BillRM wrote:of that child that there is a very good chance that the parents would strongly disagree with.
Maybe my uncle, the Nazi, woud have preferred that I hear only pro-Nazi information,
but that woud have no effect upon my freedom.
If my father had wanted me to hear only pro-Roosevelt information,
that woud have
no effect on my freedom of inquiry toward other ideologies ( like Individualism ).
BillRM wrote:Both are on the same level as far as being morally questionable.
R u saying that nothing shoud be done,
if it is "
QUESTIONABLE"???? (i.e., that things shoud only be done when thay are
People r
free to do things that r "questionable" meaning uncertain;
EVERYthing is "questionable".
The entire Universe is
and every person of every age is free to question it
whether anyone else likes it or
I tend to think that
u r probably right, Bill,
about the desirability of having a father around,
but my opinion does not count. Gracie 's opinions
will govern
HER life. That is how it shoud be.