Is dating someone who's a different race okay?

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 06:58 pm
David wrote:
If u read this thread, u will see that
the girl HERSELF had this idea.

The way u wrote that,
it sounds as if someone ELSE infected her mind
with that idea; that is NOT what happened, Bill.
BillRM wrote:
Strange that you did not quote this comment in my same posting:
give them and or support ideas/morals that the parents do not happen to share.
There is nothing strange about it.
I did not quote it because I don 't believe it and I find no merit in it.
My parents were big supporters of Roosevelt; ( I never was ).
U claim that no one shoud tell me anything except in support of Roosevelt,
because such was the wish of my parents?????
Not in a free country.
On the other hand, my parents were not commies,
but the commie next door, Comrade Murray, spoke to me all the time.
He spoke to the whole naborhood, especially in the summertime.
He 'd never shut up about Comrade Stalin and the Workers' Paradise.
He and I were both within our respective rights to converse.
My uncle was a Nazi who served in the German Army in the First World War.
During WWII, he taunted us (mildly), knowing that we were English.
At the beginning of the war, he used to say: "thay r really GIVING it
to them, aren't thay?" referring to boming England.
( He was less vociferous, toward the end of the war. )
I debated with him; he took the Nazi position and I took a libertarian position,
defending the concept of laissez faire capitalism and (domestically) feeble government.

Altho my parents never interfered (except to join in the debates),
I woud have disregarded any effort on their part toward censorship.
( If thay had tried to interfere with my freedom of speech
or of inquiry, I 'd have reprimanded them for their attempts,
asserting my intellectual freedom & independence.)

BillRM wrote:
It does not matter a bit if an idea is being given to a child
or the child own idea is being supported by adults non-family members
I agree that it does not matter,
free speech being what it IS,
but u r alleging that people have no right to speak to kids
unless what thay say mirrors what the kid's parents believe.

BillRM wrote:
of that child that there is a very good chance that the parents would strongly disagree with.
Maybe my uncle, the Nazi, woud have preferred that I hear only pro-Nazi information,
but that woud have no effect upon my freedom.
If my father had wanted me to hear only pro-Roosevelt information,
that woud have no effect on my freedom of inquiry toward other ideologies ( like Individualism ).

BillRM wrote:
Both are on the same level as far as being morally questionable.
R u saying that nothing shoud be done,
if it is "QUESTIONABLE"???? (i.e., that things shoud only be done when thay are CERTAIN ??)

People r free to do things that r "questionable" meaning uncertain; EVERYthing is "questionable".
The entire Universe is "questionable"
and every person of every age is free to question it
whether anyone else likes it or not.

I tend to think that u r probably right, Bill,
about the desirability of having a father around,
but my opinion does not count. Gracie 's opinions
will govern HER life. That is how it shoud be.

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:00 pm
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:01 pm
this is worse than going to the dentist...
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:06 pm
note the quote function seem not to be working for some reason.

Where do u get THAT, Bill????
Please explain to me what outranks the Supreme Law of the Land???
(The US Constitution including its Bill of Rights is the Supreme Law of the Land.)

Dear David I am beginning to think that you are not a lawyer as the constitution first amendment only apply to what the government can do or not do not what a parent of legal guardian can do concerning his or her children or even what a private company can do for that matter to their own employees.

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:11 pm
Rockhead wrote:
this is worse than going to the dentist...
I'll accept that as being an assertion that children r the property
of their parents until thay reach voting age,
a proposition that I dispute n reject.

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:13 pm
you're off in your own world again, dave...

you want an assertion?

I assert that you and Bill need to get a life.
Lustig Andrei
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:17 pm
Boy, do I ever second that opinion!!!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:19 pm
Well, these guys are obssessive.
I'm no professional on that.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:23 pm
BillRM wrote:
note the quote function seem not to be working for some reason.

David wrote:
Where do u get THAT, Bill????
Please explain to me what outranks the Supreme Law of the Land???
(The US Constitution including its Bill of Rights is the Supreme Law of the Land.)

BillRM wrote:
Dear David I am beginning to think that you are not a lawyer
as the constitution first amendment only apply to what the government can do or not do
Of course; I said that
kids r free from civil or criminal litigation
if thay ignore the commands of their parents
because there is no law to the contrary.
U appeared to imply that there IS some law to the contrary.
I requested that u identify it, if u claim that it exists.

BillRM wrote:
not what a parent of legal guardian can do concerning his or her children
Which is WHAT, in your mind??
I know that in Moslem countries thay can kill them, but not here
( not legally, anyway ).

BillRM wrote:
or even what a private company can do for that matter to their own employees.
Well, the company can end its contractual relationship with them, the same way that thay can quit.

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:34 pm
I agree that it does not matter,
free speech being what it IS,
but u r alleging that people have no right to speak to kids
unless what thay say mirrors what the kid's parents believe.

I think what been going on here would come under the corruption or aiding in the corruption of the morals of a minor headings.

Of course I am no lawyer unlike you David...................

And I would try to take actions if adults would enter into conversations with my minor grandchildren over the internet of a nature that would cause problems with the family moral teachings.

Telling to what is not only a minor child but a young minor child at that, that she is right that having children out of wedlocks is not a problem would for sure go against the morals teachings of the parents of both sets of my grandkids.

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:35 pm
Rockhead wrote:
you're off in your own world again, dave...

you want an assertion?

I assert that you and Bill need to get a life.
I argue theoretical & abstract considerations of principle.
Actually, its good to exercise your mind
to keep it facile. I 've heard that from competent medical authority.
People 's minds can fall into atrophy for failure to use them.

( As an aside, I got rejected by a young lady with whom I was obsessed
because of my discussion of abstract considerations. She preferred to turn her attention
to the world of the concrete. O, well
. )

0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:38 pm
I'll accept that as being an assertion that children r the property
of their parents until thay reach voting age,
a proposition that I dispute n reject.

Young minor children are under the direct control of their parents and or legal guardians and they have no rights to do such things as to access areas of the internet against the wishes of their parents as you had claimed.
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 07:54 pm
Of course; I said that
kids r free from civil or criminal litigation
if thay ignore the commands of their parents
because there is no law to the contrary.
U appeared to imply that there IS some law to the contrary.
I requested that u identify it, if u claim that it exists.

A parent can send a non obeying child to a boot camp or private reform school that deal with trouble children or can petition the family courts to have the child declare out of control and placed in the juvenile justice system all for the “crime” of not obeying her or his parents.

As a lawyer you should be aware of the above facts.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 08:01 pm
BillRM isn't just battering Gracie with his views on some general topic. In this instance, he's battering her with his views on matters which are very personal to her--the sort of decisions she should some day make about her own life and her views about her own parents--very personal matters which concern only her, but which he is doggedly pressuring her about--and, despite her entreaties to him, he doesn't let up or stop his badgering. That's definitely not being helpful, or just offering her some sort of unsolicited advice, it's an attack, it's hostile, and for an alleged adult to do that sort of thing to a 13 year old, you really have to question his motives and his character. And, when he deliberately pushes his views into comments about her level of sexual development and her readiness to become sexually active, despite her reminding him that she is still a child who hasn't even begun dating yet, those questions about his motives and character become even more troubling.

He didn't just swarm Gracie with his views, he dragged the thread completely off topic so he could obsessively badger her about the evils of her having out-of wedlock children--a digression of his that was based on a complete mischaracterization and distortion of some tangential comments that Gracie had made (she, in fact, had said she was unsure she ever wanted to be a mother), and, rather inappropriately on his part, he pushed the issue into sexual matters involving this particular young teen.

So, I don't see this as just another instance of BillRM simply being heavy-handed, or overly pushy and perseverative, or pursuing his own agenda, all of which is his usual irritating modus operandi. I found it to be much more pernicious and offensive than that. Yes, Gracie has caught on to it, and she can seemingly handle it. But she really shouldn't have to be subjected to it--and that's the point. She didn't invite it, he pounced on a very minor comment she made, distorted it out of all proportion, and twisted it beyond recognition, and relentlessly hammered her with it--he's still at it. He routinely does that sort of thing, particularly with female posters, and it is just damn sickening when he is warped enough to do it with one of our youngest.

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 08:12 pm
David wrote:
I agree that it does not matter,
free speech being what it IS,
but u r alleging that people have no right to speak to kids
unless what thay say mirrors what the kid's parents believe.


BillRM wrote:
I think what been going on here would come under the corruption or aiding in the corruption of the morals of a minor headings.
Bill, the point has been made quite a few times already
that no one jammed this into her head; the idea was and is hers sua sponte.
Regardless of the fact that I tend to AGREE with u,
I respect her mental autonomy and I respect the freedom of speech
of people who agreee with Gracie.

BillRM wrote:
Of course I am no lawyer unlike you David...................
Please note that I have NEVER been so arrogant as to post on an AUTHORITATIVE BASIS;
i.e., in all the years of my posting here or on Abuzz, or any other fora,
I never was so bold (nor so stupid) as to say:
" Hay, I 'm this hot-shot, big attorney! Pay attention to ME
because of my position."

EVERYTHING that I've said stood or fell on its own merits.

BillRM wrote:
And I would try to take actions
WHAT actions woud u take????

BillRM wrote:
if adults
How about KIDS????

BillRM wrote:
would enter into conversations with my minor grandchildren over the internet
of a nature that would cause problems with the family moral teachings.
Well, if I were one of your grandchildren,
I'd feel that u were trying to control my mind (very offensive)
and to censor my information, so I needed to DEFEND myself from u; at least, tell u off, to defend my freedom.
" Hay, Uncle Bill: what the hell do u think u r doing????
Mind your own business, damn u!!!
Some nerve, trying to interfere in my acquisition of information!!
How 'd u like it, if I did that to U?? Do u think u r better than me?? "
and try to shame u, in retaliation.

This discussion has caused a flashback of memory
to when I was approximately the age in question.
I was 13, when we returned to NY from Arizona
and my aunt, my mother 's sister tried to act
in an authoritarian way with me.
I DID politely tell her off,
i.e., that I refused to accept any control
that she tried to effect upon me,
tho I 'd freely consider such opinions
that she wished to offer me, with an open mind,
but that I 'd be the judge of what I will proceed to DO, not her.

BillRM wrote:
Telling to what is not only a minor child but a young minor child at that, that she is right that having children out of wedlocks is not a problem would for sure go against the morals teachings of the parents of both sets of my grandkids.
People have the right to freely express their opinions.
If the kids don 't wanna hear it, thay don t have to hear it.

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 08:27 pm
Yes Firefly you are known yourself to have a light hand indeed on this website LOL.............

An you and others lending her support for having children out of wedlock is remarkable to say the least and there is nothing wrong with pointing out that the matter could be very serous as she is surely both legally, emotionaly and mentally a child however she is or will be shortly a fully function human female as far as reproduction is concern.

For strange adults to encourage a thirteen child in thinking in this matter/direction is irresponsible, ill-moral, and legally questionable other then that there is nothing wrong with you behaviors Firefly.
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 08:37 pm
BillRM wrote:
Yes Firefly you are known yourself to have a light hand indeed on this website LOL.............

An you and others lending her support for having children out of wedlock is remarkable to say the least and there is nothing wrong with pointing out that the matter could be very serous as she is surely both legally, emotionaly and mentally a child however she is or will be shortly a fully function human female as far as reproduction is concern.
U know, I was a little taken aback
by Gracie 's acknowledgement of herself as being a CHILD.

At that age, tho I knew that others deemed us to be children
(and overtly said so), my self-image was of being adult.

HOW did u feel about that?? Anyone??

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 08:37 pm
People have the right to freely express their opinions.
If the kids don 't wanna hear it, thay don t have to hear it

Sorry strange adults have no rights to talk or express any opinions to my minor grand children without an adult family member permission with special reference to undermining the family moral teachings.

Nor do the children have any rights to listen to such strangers against the wishes of the adult family members.
Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 08:42 pm
David wrote:
People have the right to freely express their opinions.
If the kids don 't wanna hear it, thay don t have to hear it
BillRM wrote:
Sorry strange adults have no rights to talk or express any opinions to my minor grand children without an adult family member permission with special reference to undermining the family moral teachings.

Nor do the children have any rights to listen to such strangers against the wishes of the adult family members.
Can u prove that what u said is true
(denying the existence of their freedom)??

In other words,
is your post only a statement of your emotions
regarding how things shoud be,
or do u have MORE than that to offer in support of your position??

Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 08:50 pm
You know what Bill, you're a hot mess.

Like, you really have some serious issues. I almost feel bad for you.


You know, if it's not one thing its another. First, you get all bent out of shape because of what I plan to do with MY life in the future, something that has absolutely nothing to do with YOU at all. Now, because I disagreed with you and pointed out how much of a self righteous idiot you are, I'm apparently too young to be here. Since I dont see things the same way you do it shows that Im immature and Im not smart enough to be a member of this 'adult forum' and I should be given the boot right? You're full of crap!

Also Bill, 13 year olds are allowed here so this obviously isn't an adult only website. Im not breaking any rules by being here, sorry to burst your bubble. If you don't like it, well that's too freaking bad. How about you go somewhere else and bring your stupid ideas and opinions with you. You wont be missed. At least not by me anyway. Rolling Eyes

And you keep mentioning that you wouldn't let your grandkid come to this website and talk to adults but nobody asked you that. No one cares about what you do and dont allow your grandkids to do. What makes you think I give a crap? Im not your grandkid (thank you baby Jesus), and you have NO say in what I do and dont do. YOU DONT KNOW ME. WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH? If you dont like it, look away. Nobody is forcing you to read my stuff. In fact, I'd rather you didn't. Im really sick of you, you just wont stop. Leave me alone. What is wrong with you?

BillRM wrote:
I think what been going on here would come under the corruption or aiding in the corruption of the morals of a minor headings

Wow! Shocked Your brain must be the size of a pea.

I have my own reasons for not wanting to get married. I said some of them here and any other reasons I have are my business and no one else's. I dont have to explain myself to you guys. NO ONE here made me think the way I do. No one convinced me that I shouldnt get married. Go back and read the thread since you seem to be so freaking confused. Get your facts straight before you start making stupid comments.

Im not talking about this anymore. This thread isn't about me getting married and I didnt want any marriage advice from anyone. Getting married and all that other crap is the last thing on my mind and it shouldn't be on yours at all creeper!

Get lost! I dont wanna hear anything else from you unless it's an apology, meathead!

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