Joe Nation wrote:Can I ask a question?
Of course I can....
Why didn't the four women vote out Lex? It would have accomplished several things: 1) eliminate the strongest competitor outside of Boston Rob, 2) endeared them all to Boston Rob because they would have preserved his precious hootchiechootchie Amber, 3) made a linkage with Amber that may prove necessary if Rob starts to win every immunity later. 4) if later Rob were to get the axe they would have a possible 4-way alliance to take to the end.
It didn't seem to cross their minds that they had all the cards.
Why does anyone want that control freak Lex to win?
And why aren't the women a little incensed that the two poohbabs Lex and Rob all whispering to each other between tribes about which woman should go?

Hi, I'm new, just jumping in. I think Lex is probably very affable in person. From what I read post-Africa, he was a popular player. I have checked out some of his colums on and he is hilarious! And I'll be the first to admit that we women do get suckered in by that.
I do like Lex and wouldn't mind seeing him win. But I'll have to agree with your observations.
I don't know why the women have NEVER banded together to vote out the men! Geez, they have had the opportunity in every episode that I can remember. And yes, they should be annoyed that Lex is conspiring with Rob -- if they know it at all, that is.
I had to miss last night but I was shocked when I saw that Jerri and Amber voted against each other. I really expected some alliances from former games to be re-formed but I guess it isn't going to happen since Lex also voted off Ethan.